Chapter 25

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Naina was sitting on a swing ..

Bheem went near her..

Seeing him she stood up. 

Bheem:- Can I talk to you??

Naina nodded..

He sat on swing and signed her to sit..

Bheem:- Are you happy with this marriage..

Naina:-  Are you..

Bheem:- yes , I like you since beginning, but chuked the thought thinking it was just an attraction.. but when shree Radha told about her idea,  I was on cloud nine..

Bheem:-  now you say..

Naina:-  I'm ok with it.

Bheem:- You are saying this for the family happiness

Naina:-  my happiness lies in their happiness.  I didn't liked anyone in kaliyug . And I'm happy with arranged marriage , its true that I want some time..

Bheem:- Take your own time Naina.  We can be as friends after our marriage.  Even if you want to walkout from this you can.

Naina:-  Thanks alot ..


All were near horses and ready to leave..

At Dushasan and Subhadra's side..

Dushasan:-  Yadav Kumari,  did you like the horse ride??

Subhadra:- it was amazing Gandhari nandan.. I'm enjoying it..

Dushasan:-  then me?

Subhadra:-  didn't get your point?

Dushasan:-  do you like me?? I like you so much..

Subhadra:-   I'm unable to answer it. I need some time..

Dushasan:-  take your own time devi. I'll not force you..


Duryodhan was feeding the horse.  Radha went near him..

Radha:- pranam, yuvraj Duryodhan..

Duryodhan:-  pranam, shree Radha..

Radha:-  I want to tell you something.  Please dont get angry..

Duryodhan:-  ok. Tell..

Radha:-  I know that you love Meera. And want her to be with you.  But we don't know what the Destiny had written in your fate. Please just believe in your love. And don't scare her..

Duryodhan:-  I didn't get your entire point. But I'll try be cool and calm in front of her..


All were reached  near kandavpatasth..

It was just a barren land.

Kunti:-  Children,  we will rest for today. And tommorrow  we start.

I hope you all like it

Sorry for late update

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