"Time for you to get all pretty." I say then I carry Jessie back to her room while Emma and Shadow walk with us.

Once back at Jessie's get ready room, Emma opens the door then I carry Jessie into the room.

"Did someone order one engaged Canadian?" Emma asks causing me and Jessie to chuckle.

"You did it?" Jessie's Mom asks as she looks at me.

"I did." I say as I set Jessie on the couch in her room.

"Finally." Jessie's Mom says. "I don't know how much longer I could've kept that a secret."

"You knew?" Jessie asks.

"Aspen talked to your Dad and I about her marrying you and Emma."

"Aww." My future wives say then Emma and I kiss Jessie.

"See you at the altar." Emma and I say then we leave the room and head back to Emma's get ready room.

Once in Emma's get ready room, all of Emma's bridesmaids look at us.

"And where we're you two?" Ash asks with a smile.

"I had something to do." I say then I raise Emma's left hand.

"So does this mean you're gonna be in the wedding?" Christen asks. "Like as a part of the ceremony?"

"Mhmm." I say.

"Well if you two wanna make the ceremony then I suggest you two shower." Tobin says.

Emma and I nod then we head into the bathroom part of the room, shut the door, undress, and take a shower together.

After our shower, Emma and I get out and dry off then we put on our robes before we head out into the get ready room.

Once in the get ready room, Emma hands out her bridesmaids gifts to her bridesmaids then we all get dressed.

"There we go." I say as I adjusted Apollo's tie. "You look so handsome Bubbie."

"I look like you." Apollo giggles then he points to Kingsley and Emma. "And I look like Kingy and Mama."

Kingy is what Apollo calls Kingsley and Hazy is what he calls Hazel.

"Well then I guess we all look good." I say then I boop my son's nose.

Apollo giggles then he leads me over to Emma and Kingsley.

When we get to our favorite keeper and little dude, Apollo and I hug them then we walk with the bridesmaids out to the place we're meeting with Jessie's bridesmaids.

"MAMA'S." Hazel shouts then Emma and I squat down and hug our daughter.

"Hi Baby." Emma says then she kisses Hazel's head.

"Hi Princess." I say then I kiss my daughter's head.

After I kiss Hazel's head, I kiss my sons' head then I kiss Emma before we all get in line.

Once in line, I get told to walk first so I do as told and walk up the aisle.

When I get to the alter, I stand in my spot while the rest of the wedding party gets in their spot.

Once everyone is in their spot, Emma and I's beautiful bride appears at the end of the aisle.

"Fuck." Emma and I mumble then we both wipe our eyes as Jessie walks up the aisle.

Once Jessie's at the alter, Emma walks over, hugs Jessie's dad, then she escorts Jessie to her spot.

"Ready?" I whisper.

My ladies nod so I clear my throat.

"So before we start, Jessie, Emma, and I have an announcement." I say. "Earlier today I proposed to them and they said yes so I'm now apart of the wedding ceremony."

"Whew." My soon-to-be wives say then everyone chuckles.

Once I've made the announcement, we begin the wedding.

During the wedding, I mainly focus on my soon-to-be wives and saying my lines.

"Finally." I mumble when my wives and I put on our rings.

I may or may not have zoned out my lines and just focused on my soon-to-be wives and how sexy they look.

Once all our rings are on, Emma and Jessie look at me.

"It gives me great pleasure to say we're wives for life." I say then my wives and I smile. "Now can we seal this with a kiss Mrs. and Mrs. Heath?"

"Hell yes." My wives say then we three way kiss.

As we're kissing, I feel little hands on my pants which causes my wives and I to look down and see our kids.

"Hi babies." My wives and I say as we pick up our kids

"Mama?" Apollo asks.

"Yes Baby?" I ask.

"We together forever?"

"Yeah Baby." I say with a smile. "Me, Mama, Mommy, and Sibby's will be a family forever." 

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