12) On Track

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Narrator's Pov

Its been a year DeMar and De'arra have been together and things have been great. After much persuading, he finally convinced her to move in. To him it made no sense for her to live so close to him when they could stay together. They have their ups and downs but they love each other regardless.

De'arra's been busy with regular YouTube stuff and business opportunities while juggling being an NBA Stars' girlfriend.  Everyone knows that they are a couple but her and DeMar still don't post each other on their socials due to them wanting their privacy and enjoy their relationship away from the public eye. She was the more outgoing and adventurous one while DeMar was calm and laid back, balancing each other perfectly. Once she posted a picture of them on Valentines Day with a caption 'Every day is Valentines since I met you❤' causing the media to go in a frenzy. He didn't mind though, once was enough for him. He didn't like the extra attention on social media when it came to his personal life.

As for DeMar, he's been traded to San Antonio 3 months ago and it was hard for him. He was depressed for a while and that created a distance between him and De'arra. It was a tough transition. They just moved in together in California to move to San Antonio. They had to uproot everything and follow his career. There were days when he wouldn't come out his room and days where he wouldn't even speak to her but she never stopped trying to cheer him up and get him to accept the change and find the good in the situation. As time went on he took her advice and got over the trade situation. He often says that if it wasn't for her he doesn't know if he would be in the same head space as he is now. He gives her a lot of credit and never hesitates to show her his appreciation for sticking beside him in one of his dark times.

His contract in San Antonio is only for a year. If he decides to stay or leave the team after that would be his decision. As for now he's riding out the wave until he decides since his contract's going to expire in 4 months being July.

As for their personal personal lives, both are trying to support and love each other in every and any way possible.

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