Bananas! It's March!

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I love how everyone has just casually allowed me to forget to post an update in February because I had a mini panic over the ONC (which I did not join, but am writing for — more on that in a minute). 

Before we get to anything else, absolutely first thing, I must extend a most sincere thank you. A huge giant thank you. I cannot believe A Royal Internship passed Eighty Thousand Reads just this morning. A month ago I was literally hoping I'd hit 40,000 by the end of the month. 

So a huge gigantic thank you to everyone who read, voted, commented, and added to reading lists. You are the best and I have a giant smile that's hurting my face because this is amazing. Also, a huge thanks to _jnicole_ for adding my story to the community curator's list. I have a reading list on my profile now (called "Community Curator Picks I Want to Read") with some of the amazing books I found on those lists. Go check it out if you missed last month's curated reads! 

~*~ So, What's Up With Me? ~*~

Look, I know the whole point of this book was to tell you all what's up with my life and my writing and all that amazing stuff. SO let's get to that!

On a personal level, I'm a little bit behind where I want to be because I am a thirty-year-old human who had to have her wisdom teeth removed a couple weeks ago (*holds up "BOO" sign*). Miraculously, I managed to get out of it without too much pain or anything else, but it still set me back a week or two on writing stuff. I'm still in a good spot, but I'm not where I had hoped to be. It happens, and I'm sure I'll still be able to meet my bigger goals.

Besides setting me back a bit, the teeth removal is also why my huge smile is hurting my face, but I'm not complaining. 

And now that we've established my amazing super awesome cool personal life, the reason you are probably all here: books.

~*~ What am I Working On? ~*~

Posting on Wattpad

Mrs. Matched is completed, edited, and waiting to post every Friday until it's completion. I had a lot of fun with this expansion / rewrite of Match Made. I'm now in the difficult position that I cannot decide which version I prefer. I am of the opinion that this is a good problem to have.

Vegas Knot is vaguely plotted. It was going to be a novella but Bianca is loud! She is hilarious and entertaining and full of ideas for what important parts of her story need to be told, so I'm pleased (I guess) to inform you that she has run away with this story and it will likely be a novel, too. I'm actually really excited for the slightly longer version of this delightful rom com and Bianca's antics are entertaining me as always. I'm posting this story once or twice a week as I finish chapters and edit them because ONC is for chaos and even if it is a novel, who's gonna stop me?

Telltale Tango is my cowrite novella over on Camila_Ferrera . We are actually sticking to a novella for this one and are entering the ONC, so you can rest assured that we will post at least often enough to keep up with ONC deadlines! I'm in love with this romance, too, and can't wait for you all to see the twists we have up our sleeves. They are delightful. Next stop, probably a food truck. Maybe a smoothie. I really do love my food and fancy dresses.

In Progress / Coming Soon

This category is a hot mess! I'm sorry to say my writing process is not neat and tidy at the moment because I'm really in a research and planning phase. I'm working on a whole bunch of things! At least two more novels, a whole series, and maybe some short stories. It's anarchy! I really hope to have some things more sorted out for next month's update but for now...

Just know that I'm currently researching a sort of steampunk romance novel, and an interconnected series of alternate historical fiction romances. I'm also in the middle of attempting an enemies to lovers novel and maaaayyyyyybbbbeeeee there's also some words being written. Okay, there's definitely words being written, but it's slow going because Bianca is loud, so Vegas Knot is going to be my main priority this month.

And that's all the info I have for now! I'll be back with updates as they happen or, realistically, as I remember that I have to TYPE the words in order for you to read them.

Here's to a productive and fun March! See you soon,

We Keep Snacks in This House: Blogging & UpdatesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon