Before Aizawa could even voice his worry, the principal approached the phone, currently laying on the table's surface on speaker.

"We will need your help for this, Midoriya."


Aizawa's pulse thundered as he raced through the streets. Blowing past multiple red lights as he fought against the clock.

He had bolted out the door the moment the satellites zeroed in on Izuku's phone location.

The logical part of his brain told him it was useless. Midoriya was right in saying they wouldn't get there in time. Yet, here he was, trying anyway. Because he knew he'd never be able to live with himself, knowing he hadn't tried everything before giving up. Izuku was just a child. He wasn't meant to be going through any of this.

The teen was currently trying to defuse a bomb, and Shouta would do anything to get there in time, to prevent the boy from facing this alone. In fact, he planned on getting Shadow and getting out of there as fast as possible.

The roads were packed, the evacuation process had been immediately started the moment the bomb was located. Izuku was right when he said his area was clear. Still, they weren't taking any chances. A city-wide evacuation was being issued.

However, turning on the radio, he could hear the news reporting the all-out battle that was currently happening just a few blocks away. Instead of finding where Midoriya was being kept, the task force had run into the league's headquarters. Which in itself would've been good news if it weren't for their current predicament. Endeavor and several other heroes had already been incapacitated. All Might was facing the league's real leader. The man behind it all.

His talents would surely be needed. However, Midoriya was his priority. He just had to believe that the number one could handle this alone.

The GPS device beeped, signaling he was approaching the location. Maybe, if luck was on his side, he would get there in time.


"Okay, run me through the plan again." He combs a hand through his hair, fingers twitching with the effort to quell the shaking of his body.

"From both the video feed in your location and the pictures we got from Ingenium, it is safe to say that we will need to defuse both bombs at the exact moment. Any error in timing will result in the immediate detonation of the explosives." Nedzu replied calmly, having expected Shadow to be nervous. It didn't stop him from being painfully blunt in his response. The situation was grave, he treated it so.

"Cool, cool, cool, okay," Izuku spoke quietly, as if to himself. "And are you sure the wire I'm touching right now is the red one?" Despite his greatest effort, he failed to hide the tremor in his voice. They had spent the last ten minutes making sure the wire he was about to cut was the correct one. He had moved the camera until they got a closer look at the bomb. They were his eyes right now, his fate was in their hands.

Letting his senses wash over the room, he could feel it, the energy thrumming slightly stronger in the wire in question. It served to placate his doubts, if only slightly.

"Yes, now, gentlemen, time is running out." The rodent began, "If you would please position your knives." Or in Izuku's case the sharp piece of shrapnel he found lying around.

Anticipation thrummed through his veins like a violin. Every nerve in his body felt electrified as he brought his hand closer and closer to his intended target. Sweat gathered on his brow with his rising anxiety. Were the walls closing in? It certainly felt like it.

"Breathe Midoriya." Tsukauchi's voice felt like a bucket of cold water, running down his back. It anchored him to the world before he could get lost in his doubts. Subduing the storm that raged just behind his eyelids. The interruption made him pause just long enough to exhale. Releasing some of the tension that had built up inside of him.

Before my heart gives out (My hero academia)Where stories live. Discover now