134: To be Honest

Start from the beginning

"Y-Yes, of course, Emerald Dragon. I-I'm grateful for this life you've given me and I won't mistreat the Special Case! I-I just have been frustrated with how the members of the League are haunting this area and I can't block their aromas." Alice answered. 

"Just be patient, Alice, you're not the only one that can smell them. Not everyone can hide forever, so we just have to wait for them to get tired of hiding. And that hiding will not last much longer since Izuku is trying to find them. Once Izuku has found one of the members, you are to be responsible for taking their soul, understand?" 

"Y-Yes, Emerald Dragon, I will." 

"Good. As much as I want to stay for tea, I have things I need to take care of. Do not ignore my warning, Alice, you're a talented Reaper who can do their job without fail, so that doesn't mean you can start disobeying me now." Emra said, as she walked out the door, leaving the blonde speechless. 

'I should've known this would happen, I'm lucky I didn't lose my life for that action I did. I've been so careless and it's the League's fault! That Special Case better find them soon!' Alice thought.

Izumi and Uraraka sat down on a bench and both of them sat in silence as neither were sure what to say. 

'How's this possible? How does Uraraka know the name of a member of the League? I've never even seen what this member looks like either.' Izumi thought. 

"I guess you're wondering how I know that name, right?" "Y-Yeah, I was just told yesterday that the name of that person is a member of the League. So how do you know them?" Izumi asked. 

"Well... I knew them long before I found out they were a member of the League. You could say me and Toga were close friends when we were younger." Uraraka answered, looking up at the greenette. 

Izumi's eyes widened in shock as she wasn't sure how to answer.

"Me and Toga were really close when we were kids, but after I got accepted into U.A., it felt like me and her went our separate ways. The last time I saw her was when you and your friend were taking down another member of the League. She didn't even attempt to hide that she's a member of the League, because she knew I wasn't going to do anything. Though we were close friends, she knew my weaknesses and that I was going to be afraid of even trying to tell this to anyone. But... after knowing now that Aoyama turned himself in and confessed that he was working for the League... I thought I should at least tell you since you've been taking them down on your own." Uraraka muttered.

'Uraraka hid this information until Aoyama turned himself in? Who knows how long she's known this, but she's willing to tell me. She must feel awful for hiding this info about a member of the League.' Izumi thought. 

"Though I know she's a member of the League, that's the only thing I can tell you. She didn't tell me anything else that would give herself away, but I still feel humiliated for waiting this long to tell you." Uraraka said. 

"Ah- don't feel that way. I'm just glad she didn't try to harm you or warn you not to tell anyone about this. Do you... happen to have any photos so I can see what she looks like? I... I'm trying to find her since I was told she's been in this area." Izumi said. 

"Ah- right... but I think my phone just died. I can at least tell you a description of them so you can guess what they look like." 

"That's fine, as long as-"


Izumi turned her head and was surprised to see Kendra running up to her. 

"Huh? Kendra? What's wrong?" Izumi asked. 

"Get away from that girl, now! She's not who you think she is!!!" Kendra yelled. 

Izumi blinked a few times and then slowly turned her head back and felt her body freeze up at the sight as Uraraka looked like her body was melting away. The woman's face could be seen by the greenette, as she had Ash Blonde hair and Golden eyes, and a devilish grin. This... This was no doubt the person Izumi was looking for; this is Toga Himiko. 

"W-What is-" 

"Oh~ So close... if only I had taken more of her blood then my disguise would've lasted longer. Oh well~ at least I can finally kill you!" Toga taunted and then jumped and grabbed Izumi by her neck.


Izumi was on the ground trying to push the blonde's hands off her neck, but she realized how strong her grip was. The greenette kept trying to push, but was starting to see Black in her vision and was losing air by the seconds going by. Soon she couldn't push away anymore and closed her eyes and dropped her hands. 

'No, I'm not gonna let that happen!' Kendra thought as she clenched her teeth. 

She raised her hand over her shoulder and pulled a crossbow out of nowhere and fired an arrow right at the blonde. But Toga was fast and managed to dodge the arrow and jumped away from the greenette. 


Izumi could finally breathe again, as she started coughing and trying to catch her breath.

Kendra knelt down next to the greenette to see her coughing. 

"Are you okay, can you breathe now?" 

"I-I... 'cough' I can breathe... What just happened?" Izumi coughed. 

"I knew something wasn't right from that woman's aura. That woman can disguise herself into anyone and came close to fooling you by disguising herself as your friend. You're lucky I got here in time." Kendra said. 

"What should we do?" Izumi asked. 

"We've got no choice, we can't let her try to escape and go on another wild goose chase after this. We have to fight her now, but we need to be careful. I can already tell this one's gonna be a challenge." Kendra said. 

"Ah- right. So much for us trying to train." 

"We'll have to make sure you get your training done after this fight's over." 


Note: Hello My Little Emeralds!

To be honest, this wasn't how this was supposed to go for this chapter, but I'm sure you guys like surprises. But we will be getting to what's going on with Katsuki in the next chapter, promise!

Gonna post 2 more chapters later today!

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Happy Reading from me, My Little Emeralds!

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