Chapter 1

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You groan. You just got out of college and you were swarming with college loan debt. "Denkiiii! I need moneyyy!" Denki was your cousin. He was about 10 years older than you and you've always been close ever since you were a child. He was often your babysitter since you had busy parents. You were currently 23 and denki was 35.

"Get a sugar daddy," he says, paying attention to his phone.

You sigh. That was a good idea but you had no idea how. "Now how am I supposed to do that? You're the only rich person I know."

He looks up from his phone. "You know I'm friends with a lot of pro heroes right? We are pretty busy. We don't really have the time for normal relationships so a sugar baby would be fine for a lot of heroes."

My eyes light up. "Really? Do you know of anyone who wants to be a sugar daddy?"

"Not really but I know someone you would like. He's really sweet."

"Introduce him to me then!" You say, grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking him lightly.

He chuckles "I have to ask him if he would be okay with it first," he says with a smile.

"How long will that take?" You ask.

"I see him tomorrow so I can ask him then," Denki says.

You couldn't believe he was actually gonna do this for you. You doubted even less that it was gonna work out.

For the next couple of days, you waited for an answer from Denki, until finally, you got a call.

"I got you a date with kirishima. He finally said yes. He needed a couple of days to think through his answer," he chuckles. "He wants to meet you on Saturday."

Kirishima? As in pro hero red riot... he's been your favorite pro hero for years now. No wonder denki said you would like him. You blush. "This Saturday?? That's like three days away!" You had to be quick to plan your outfit and hair.

"You might wanna dress up nice too, he's taking you to a nice restaurant," he says, making you feel like you were gonna faint. This was happening really quickly. You didn't know how to react. This was actually happening.

All you could say was a small "okay." Did he really just set you up with your favorite pro hero? And he's going to be your sugar daddy? "Could I possibly borrow one of your tuxedos?" You ask, knowing he had some for important meetings.

"Sure! I'll give you my black one since you probably wouldn't wanna wear one yellow all over. It still has a yellow tie though"

You nod and say "That's okay" and soon after the call ends. At least you didn't have to go tux shopping now. You lay down in your bed and sigh. Sure you were excited, but you were nervous. This was all happening so fast and your brain didn't know how to comprehend it.

The three days passed by quicker than you'd like. It was finally the day that you were gonna go on a date with The Red Riot. Denki was there helping you get dressed. Although you were only cousins, you felt like siblings. You were close even despite the age gap.

"It's time for you to go now," he says. You sigh and nod. To say the least, you weren't ready. You didn't know how it would go to meet your favorite pro hero.

You get into your car and you drive to the restaurant.

The whole ride your nerves were getting to you. You didn't know how this would go or if kiri would even agree to be your sugar daddy after seeing you. You took a deep breath as you got to the restaurant.

You get out of the car and walk inside. You look around. This place looked expensive. Let's hope you wouldn't be paying because you would not be able to afford it. You barely have $50 in your bank account. Soon enough you see him. God, he looked even better in person. He was wearing a black tuxedo with a red tie that fit so fucking well against his muscles. You were basically drooling. You walk over to him, butterflies in your stomach.

He smiles as you approach him. "You must be (Y/N). It's nice to meet you."

Your breath catches in your throat. You let out a breathless "hi." Your heart races as you sit down.

He chuckles in his deep voice and you swore you could feel your heart jump out of your chest. "So I heard you're looking for a sugar daddy."

You nod. "I've been needing money to pay off my debt and this seems like the best way since denki won't give me any money." You roll your eyes, chuckling.

Kiri hums, looking you up and down. You blush and look down at the menu in front of you, a little embarrassed. You were right, everything was so expensive. "Get anything you want. I'm paying," he says, a wide smile adorning his face.

You nodded. It made you feel slightly bad that he was going to be paying, but you couldn't complain. It's what you wished for anyways and if he does become your sugar daddy then you're gonna have to get used to him buying you things or giving you money. Looking at the menu you decide to order something cheap but appetizing.

Eventually, the waiter comes and you both order. You had no idea what to say to him. What would you even say to your potential sugar daddy? He speaks up.

"What are your boundaries for this? What are things I can and cannot do?" he asks.

You think for a second. "Well any sort of hanging out is okay, and I guess sex is on the table. We can discuss our kinks at a later time though."

He smirks a bit. "So you're kinky? I thought I would be stuck with a vanilla." He chuckles as you blush.

"Well, I can assure you that I'm far from vanilla."

His smirk grows wider. "If you don't mind me asking, what are your top three kinks?"

"Probably...Degradation, humiliation, and bondage," You answer. "They're pretty basic, but they're good. I'm also a switch in case you were wondering."

"I'm a switch too, but I'm mostly a dom. In case you couldn't tell." He definitely had a dominant aura to him, but that would just make him even more fun to dom and you knew that.

The waiter comes back with our food and we eat, discussing other various things about ourselves. He genuinely was just as sweet as I thought he was.

Soon enough though dinner was over and it was time to go home and we both exchanged numbers. He literally towered over you. You assumed he was about seven feet tall. he speaks up one more time before he lets you leave. "Can I see you tomorrow as well? He asks with puppy dog eyes, that matched his personality.

"Of course. I would love that." You smile at him.

"Text me your address then and I'll pick you up at twelve."

Your heart flutters. "See you then."

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