The Accident

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Owen ran down the hall when met Teddy.

"Hey how are you, do you feel sick? You probably should take a nap you haven't slept much at night" Owen asked his wife.

He was really worried about her because of her pregnancy.

"Owen, I'm okay, I'm just pregnant and I don't feel sick, neither need a nap. I have a surgery now. Love you, bye" Teddy said, gave him a kiss and walked away.

Owen stared at her for a while but then someone snapped him out of his thoughts "Hunt can you please take over bed 5?" Webber asked him.

"Sure, I make that" Owen answered and went to bed 5.

After taking care of 8 people Owen had a surgery. On the way to the surgery rooms, he met his wife again. "Hey, how was your surgery?" He asked.

"It was actually pretty easy" Teddy told.

"Yeah, there is nothing too difficult for Teddy Altman" Owen laughed.

"Sorry about earlier" Owen apologized.

"It's okay, you're my husband, you're allowed to be worried about me" Teddy said walking to Owen and taking his hands "I've already made a meeting at Dr. DeLuca for tomorrow at 10am."

"I will be there, but now, I have a surgery" Owen explained.

"Then go and impress them all" Teddy said.

She gave Owen a kiss and said goodbye.

Teddy just had a few patients to check before she had another surgery at 5pm.

She finished earlier than she thought and so she had the idea to visit Leo and Allison at daycare. At the way to them she got a massage for a trauma in the OR.

She went down and asked Webber "What happened?"

Webber answered "there was a car accident, three injured, one of them has a large piece of glass in his chest"

Altman nodded and made herself ready to get out to wait for the Aid Car.

When the patient came to the hospital, they immediately moved them to trauma room one. Teddy checked the patient and made an ultrasound.

"The peace of glass failed the heart, however hit the aorta, we need a surgery! Now!" Teddy shouted, but then she felt sick and dizzy.

"Someone has to call Pierce!" she said, taking a step back.

Webber went to her and said "Altman, you have to do the surgery, he's your patient!"

"Dr. Webber I can't" Teddy tried to explain.

"You can! You are an excellent surgeon!" Webber shouted. "I can't because I feel sick!" Teddy said.

She left the room and ran to a toilet. She threw up many times before getting out of the cabin.

Meanwhile in the daycare Leo sat in the corner. He was a bit sad because Ellice wasn't there today.

One of the daycare's women came to him and asked "Leo, what's going on, do you feel sick?"

Leo shook his head.

"You can tell me and then I can try to help you" the woman explained.

"Ellice isn't there, today I put Elsa costume on cause she wanted see it with the new cape and now she cannot see it" Leo told the woman sadly.

"It's okay to be sad because your friend isn't there, but maybe you can play with other kids at daycare? Like Austin?" she asked Leo.

"Come on, you can take my hand and we can ask Austin if he wants to play with you"

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