The Barbecue

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"So, what was it again, a party for what?" Owen asked his wife while checking his phone.

"It's a party with a lot of people and kids in the garden. Meredith said she made it because of Covid. She said it should be fun. They have a playground, a big kids table, a lot of toys and four big boys who watch after the littles so that the parents could eat and talk. How many times have you asked me that now!?" Teddy said.

"Sorry, forgot it, I think that will be fun, good idea of Mer" Owen said.

"Will Ellice be there?" Leo asked his mommy.

"Yeah, she will, and lots of other kids too" Teddy said, she went to Leo and picked him up. "So, what do you want to wear? We have to hurry so let's go to your room and pick something."

Teddy went with Leo on her hip to the children's room and put Leo in front of the closet. "Mommy, can I wear my tutu with pink shirt?" Leo asked while tipping on a white rock.

"Sure, Owen can you help Leo get undressed and I pick the things for him and Allison." Teddy said.

"Okay, wait" Owen came into the room and put Allison on Leo's bed.

"Mommy, what's Allison wearing?" Leo asked "She could wear same as me"

"Honey I think that's an amazing Idea. I go and help her, here are your things" Teddy went to Leo and Owen and gave them Leo's things. Then she took Allison and put her on the same clothes as Leo.

After an our it was 3.40 pm. "Okay, let's go!" Teddy said. Owen took Leo and Teddy took Allison. They went outside to their car. Teddy put Allison in her child seat and Leo sat on the one for bigger ones. He always wanted to hold Allison's hand while they were driving around with the car.

Teddy looked back at them and said "He's so sweet when he holds Allison's hand"

"Yeah, he is" Owen answered while concentrate on the street.

"Kids, we're there" Teddy said to Leo and Allison. Teddy and Owen got out of the car and then they helped their kids getting out of the car.

"I take Allison if you take the presents, I bought for Mer and the kids" Teddy said to Owen "Leo come her"

Owen nodded and took the presents of the backseat. The four went to the front door and knocked.

Meredith opened the door "Hey, nice you made it" she said. Ellice were standing behind her.

"Hi Ellice" Leo said. He ran into the house and Ellice hugged him.

"I like your tutu" Ellice said. She took Leo's hand and they ran outside in the garden.

"Leo wait, your shoes" Owen shouted to his son but he couldn't hear it.

"Oh, it's okay, come in, you can keep your shoes on" Meredith said and asked the family to come in. "Hi Allison, you look so nice, I see you wear the same as Leo" Mer said and took Allison on her hip.

"Thanks for inviting us, this is for you" Owen said and gave a big bag to Meredith. "For you and your children, I bought it, Owen just carried it from the car to here" Teddy said with a smile.

Meredith laughed and said "Thanks"

Mer went with Owen, Teddy and Allison in the garden. She showed them the program;

"So, here we have the parent's table" there was a big long table near the corner "Then here is the barbecue" next to it, in the corner were a barbecue and a small table with food on it. "There you can see a climbing frame with a swing and a slide, today we have 12 kids here. Don't ask, wasn't my Idea, Amelia. However, Bailey's and Hayes' boys will take care of the little ones."

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