"Ok but you were so small! You literally grew up overnight."

"Yeah that's what happens when you're 14 years old. We don't all take steriods to get on a football team."

"Hey. I do not use steroids."

"Yeah right." Luca rolled his eyes.

Kade smiled playfully as his eyes returned to the sky. Silence taking them over once again.

"Hey, how are things going with Rebbeca? Someone told me you were fighting." Luca asked as they stared up at the sky.

Kade shrugged. "I ended it."

"Why?" Luca asked, shocked.

"Something was missing." he said calmly.

Luca seemed completely railroaded by this response. He sat up and propped himself on his elbow. "What are you talking about? You were  always all over each other at school."

Kade turned his head to match his gaze, his face unreadable but intense. "I've felt like this for a while now. I was just doing what was expected. But I have other priorities now."

Luca nodded. "What priorities?"

Kade didn't answer for a moment. He stared at Luca knowingly. "I just didn't want to pretend what I felt for her was real, anymore." he avoided the question.

He saw the wheels in Luca's head turning. "Well, you should've told me you didn't like being with her. I'm your best friend, it's literally what I'm here for. But what are you going to do about your mom? She's going to be pissed."

Kade looked back up to the sky. "I thought I would try to being happy. Maybe see if the person I actually want," he sighed, "wants me back. If that doesn't include her, then whatever I guess. It's my life."

He shoved Kade annoyedly. "Merde, who's the unlucky girl?"

He shut his eyes against the shinning sun. "It's not a girl." he said muttered.

Luca sighed triedly, laying back down beside Kade. "How long have you known?"

"Known what?"

"That you like boys."

"Only recently. But I'm only attracted to one boy."

Kade turned to look at Luca, who looked curious. "Who? It's not a football player is it?" he cringed.

Kade's eyes shot open, turning back to the boy. "What, no! It's you, idiot!"

Luca sat back up. "Me?"

"Yes. You." Kade looked up at him, saying the words seriously.

Luca went stiff and he actually looked angry. Kade started to wonder if it was a mistake telling him. This guy was his best friend and he cared about him deeply. He couldn't live without him. Fear spread at the thought that Luca might never want to see him again.

"Look I'm sorry. Can we just forget it happened?" he said in a panicked voice.

Luca grit his teeth together. "Putain merde." he said. His hand darting out at Kade's collar as he bent down, crashing their mouths together.

Kade yelped in shock but as his lips moved over Luca's he relaxed into the kiss. This mouths exploring each other's excitedly. Kade couldn't help but laugh as they came back up for air.

"You ever make me wait like that again, I'll kill fucking you." Luca said breathlessly.

Kade put his hands out protest. "I didn't know! I swear!"

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