This time, I made a mental note for my brain to actually be comprehending where I go instead of zoning out like last time, and suddenly I'm trying to register this dimly lit red sign in front of me.


let's go in.

but- but you just said it was sket-

This time I listened to my daredevil voice, and pushed the thoughts away before I pushed open the door, dimly aware that it smelled strongly of odor and sweat.

I'm shocked as I take in what's around me - a half bar, half gym. The right side was the gym, which was surprisingly clean and somewhat full of people, whereas the bar was dimly lit, with a counter and a bartender behind it.

these places exist?

apparently so.

It was still the afternoon, although I have no idea what time it is, and suddenly I don't feel that hungry anymore.

bitch your stomach is basically screaming.

Maybe i'm still hungry.

I'm tempted between the bar and the gym, and I decide that i'll treat myself at the bar, then work it off in the gym. Clothes could be a problem that I solve later, I didn't want to face that right now.

I walk towards the bar, and decide if I want to be social or suffer in starvation.

Luckily for me, I didn't have to be the conversation starter. The bartender, who was a bit too old for my taste, grins as I slide into the high stools around the counter.

"Hey," he says.

I smile politely, hoping this wouldn't be a repeat of this morning.

talk about deja vu.

"Hey, um do you guys sell food? I'm aware this is a bar - just any snacks is fine or whatever" I cringe, not knowing if I was too straightforward or rushed.

Instead, he laughed.

I should be a stand up comedian.

you'd make everyone fall fucking asleep.

"Sure, do you want a burger? You look pretty hungry to me, fries probably won't fill you"

and since when were you the judge of that?

"Yeah, that'd be great, thank you so much."

He nods, retreating to where I would assume is the back room.

I look around, feeling severely underdressed as the people around me wore fucking dresses and night gowns - heads up, it wasn't even night. Whereas others could basically count as not wearing any clothing at all. I wasn't surprised, as it certainly wasn't my first time at a bar. Still, the images of girls wearing transparent lingerie were forever imprinted in my head - like what was the point?

On men's laps, the dirty and dingy atmosphere was almost claustrophobic enough for me to gag, or run out the door. Thank god it seemed better in the afternoon, the main crowded place seemed like the gym.

Shockingly, all of the people working out were men, with a couple of girls in the middle gawking at their ripped bodies and probably drooling at muscles. I roll my eyes inwardly at this, as if I wasn't going to be one very soon. It's fine, I remind myself. Your standards are most probably higher than the guy with the longest dick on earth, with a full on erection.

thank you, fictional and wattpad men.

when the fuck is it my turn?

I shake my head, goddamn are my thoughts getting more and more chaotic.

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