Chapter 38

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Jin POV:

"Finally!" I collapsed onto my bed in the dorm and let out a sigh of relief. Our plane had landed in Korea three hours ago and instead of going to our individual apartments, we had all decided to go back to the dorm after dinner. Even though I did love my apartment, with its beautiful views, I missed being here in the dorm with the rest of the guys, spending time with them like we did when we were trainees. When Namjoon had made the suggestion of us all going back tonight, I had accepted happily knowing that our lives were going to change quickly, especially once their soulmate arrived in Korea next week.

The thought of Y/N being here permanently made me both unbelievably happy but also immensely sad. I knew I would be able to see her since I would spend time with the guys, but the idea of being around her and not being able to hold her and kiss started digging a hole in my heart, one I wasn't ready to admit was there. I knew she was my soulmate and I had known for a while, but I was afraid. Afraid of what my parents would say, afraid of what Y/N's reaction would be, afraid of it all.

Standing up, I headed towards my bathroom and turned on the shower before stripping out of my clothes. It was one of the benefits of being the oldest, having my own bathroom and bedroom and something I enjoyed having. While the water heated up, I stripped out of my clothes, dropping them in the hamper before stepping into the shower. I let the water run over my head, trying to think of how to handle everything that was happening, everything that was going on. How would I continue to pretend that I didn't know who she was to me? I knew it was crazy because Y/N had to know by now. She had to know who she was to me, who I was to her.

Finishing my shower, I grabbed a towel off the rack and dried off. As I picked up my shirt off the counter, I could hear my phone ring. I knew who it was even without looking at the caller. Taking a deep breath, I pulled the shirt over my head as the phone continued to ring. It stopped then started again, followed by a third time. I knew it was Mi-suk calling me, wanting to go over wedding details, things I didn't want to talk about, things I didn't even want to think about. I finished dressing and headed back into my room, dragging my feet the whole way. I didn't want to talk to Mi-suk about the wedding or anything at all, for that matter, so I ignored the phone sitting on my dresser.

Pacing back and forth, I ran my hands through my damp hair. A sharp pain was beginning to stab at my temples, making my head ache immensely, and I knew I couldn't continue like this any longer. I needed to say something to someone, get the secret that was laying heavy on my chest off, share my troubles with someone. I had developed such a close relationship with my brothers, my members that I knew they would understand, knew they would help me bear the burden, knew they would share in my pain with me. With my resolve strengthened, I left my room with a destination in mind: Namjoon.

Although I felt a rush of guilt wash over me as I knocked on Namjoon's door since I figured he would probably be exhausted and ready to relax from the almost seven month long tour, I couldn't wait any longer. I needed help and I knew he would have a sense of understanding of the situation, especially since he had just gone through the same thing with Amiah. The door opened to Namjoon standing on the other side, his hair was damp and his face was freshly washed. I couldn't help but smile knowing he had done exactly the same thing as I had done. Although he we stayed in the nicest hotels, there was nothing like your own bedroom, your own shower.

"Jin-hyung? You alright?" Namjoon's voice was worried and I wondered for a moment if everything I was thinking was showing all over my face, if everything I was feeling was completely visible. Had I suddenly turned so transparent that nothing could be hidden? I pushed the thought down when I realized it was late and I had told the members that I was just going to take a shower and drop into bed. They probably assumed that was what I had done so me showing up at Namjoon's door with what I'm sure was a wild look was definitely curiosity inducing.

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