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Miranda woke up to Ben's arms wrapped around her. Five minutes later she felt nauseous and made a beeline to their bathroom. The sound of her emptying her stomach woke Ben up. Who then got up to help her, he gave her a cup of water and held her hair back.

"There is no way we are going to be able to go to Palm Springs."

"Miranda maybe it will get better."

"Benjamin I can't go 30 minutes without throwing up. There is no way I am going to be able to sit through a plane ride." She heaved. "Maybe you and the kids should go?"

"Uh no thank you. I don't want to be states away from you with two teenagers and a toddler. We can spring break in the house. Plus we still have a lot to do. I need to finish painting the kitchen and we need to pick a nursery theme so I can start on the baby's room."

"Light Grey and floral. Pink roses and chrysanthemum's." She replied sitting up and putting her back against the wall.

"We can go shopping this week." He told her.


"Do you feel better?"

"A little. How the hell did I end up with morning sickness at 6 months?"

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Hopefully it won't last long. I feel extremely tired now."

If your stomach has settled a little let's get you back to bed then I'll go make some toast and juice. You need to stay hydrated." Ben said.

"Okay, I got to brush my teeth."

Miranda then got up, Ben kissed her on the forehead before leaving the bathroom. Ten minutes later he came back to the bedroom carrying a tray with slices of toast and two glasses of juice. Miranda was sitting up against the headboard looking through her laptop. He placed the tray down on the bed, then sat down on it and got comfortable.

"What's got your face twisted?"

"Just department heads asking for more money." Miranda groaned closing her laptop.

"I got to be to work in an hour. You want me to drop you off?"

"What time does your shift end?"


"Okay, Yeah you can drop us off. I'll just pack Pru some snacks and order dinner while at work."

Miranda and Ben took a shower together after the boys left for school. They got themselves dressed for work before Miranda dressed Pru and brushed her hair into a ponytail.

Ben drove her to work and kissed her goodbye.

After Miranda checked on her patients she walked down to the pit.

"Tucker Jones." Miranda called out seeing him walking into the ER.

He stared at her for a moment and looked at her stomach in her dress.

"Hey Miranda." He responded finally looking her in the eye.

"What happened ?" She asked looking at him holding a cloth that was filling with blood over his finger.

"I was washing dishes and the glass broke." He informed.

"Okay. Come over here to bed number three."

Once he was situated on the bed. Miranda instructed that he lay his arm over the medical absorbent pad.

She put her gloves on and pulled back the cloth sitting it aside. She examined the wound and sighed.

"Yeah you are going to need quite a few stitches. Is there glass still in there or clean cut?" She asked.

"It was a clean cut."

"Okay, let me grab a couple of things and I will be right back."

Tucker nodded and watched as she stood up. He couldn't help, but to let his eyes fall back to her stomach. He wanted to ask how far along, but it wasn't his place or business. He was honestly surprised that Tuck didn't mention it.

Miranda came back with a suture kit, saline, anesthetics, gauze and tape.

She took the saline and held his finger over a disposable bowl and flushed it to make sure no tiny glass fragments were in there. After doing it twice she placed his hand on top of the absorbent pad and pulled out the needles to numb it.

When it was numb she threw the needles in the hazard container and grabbed her forceps. She began stitching him with minimal conversation.

"Chief the daycare is paging you." Schmitt informed coming up on the side of her.

"The daycare, did they say what was wrong?" Miranda asked immediately. Tucker looked up trying to figure out why the daycare would be paging her.

"No." Schmitt responded pushing his glasses up.

"Call up there directly and ask what's wrong with her."

Schmitt stepped back to call and came back when they hung up.

"They said she has a fever and is constantly pulling at her ear. They believe it may be an ear infection.

"Ear infection. Okay shoot I have a meeting with the hospital's board and the Fox foundation in 30 minutes."

Miranda continued working racking her brain on what to do.

"Chief, there is a mvc on the western freeway." A nurse said hanging up the phone.

"How many incoming?"


"Page head of trauma Hunt and Altman let them know mvc 3 incoming, have OR's 1, 3 and 4 on standby."

"Schmitt go up to the daycare and sign her out, don't forget her book bag or lunchbox. Give her 1tsp of children's Motrin that's in my office bathroom cabinet. I will be up there is 10 minutes and a heads up she is not going to stop crying until I get there."

"Okay Chief."

"After I get upstairs come back down here and work the pit. The first surgical case is yours."

"Thank you." He smiled jogging off.

"This suits you." Tucker acknowledged.

"What?" Miranda asked looking up.

"Chief of surgery and being a mother." He added trying to figure out exactly who was in daycare.

"Uh thank you."

"How far along are you?" Tucker said nodding his head at her belly.

"6 months."

"Wow. You're about to have 3 kids." He stated.

"Four." Miranda corrected. "Two boys and two girls."

"Two girls?"

"We have a 3 year old and I'm pregnant with a girl." Miranda clarified. She figured Tuck would have told him about Pru.

"At this age?"

"What the hell does that mean?" Miranda glared.

"I don't mean it in a rude way or the way it sounded. It's just most people try to stop around this age and your actively going.

"I definitely wasn't trying to get pregnant and this will be the last one. She is a blessing that I am fortunate enough to be able to endure and carry."

"You're incredible." Tucker said sheepishly.

"Well thank you."

"You want to grab lunch?"

Miranda eyes widened and she looked up at him.

"If you didn't hear. I have a meeting in 30 minutes and an irritable toddler waiting for me."

"We could always go later and catch up, bring your daughter and appetite. That I'm sure you have."

"That's the second insult." Miranda sneered.

"I didn't mean that. I was just saying because you are pregnant and you ate a lot with Tuck, not that it's a bad thing. I was just --

"I know what you meant." She laughed. "And you are all set, let me rinse it off and wrap you up. You can't get these stitches wet for 24hrs and take ibuprofen or Tylenol for pain.

"So that's a no?"

"It's not a no, but can we reschedule for another day." Miranda pulled out her phone and checked her calendar. "Thursday is a good day. "

"Thursday it is then."

"Okay. I will text you a time. See you then."  Miranda said grabbing onto the table to push her self up off the stool.

She made her way up to her office and she could hear the crying from the outside of the door.

"Hi my sweetheart. What's the matter?" Miranda asked walking inside.

"My ear." She cried hiccupping through her tears.

"Okay, okay." Miranda said softly pulling her into her arms. "Thank you Levi." She said dismissing him.

Miranda laid her against her chest turning her onto her left ear and rubbed her back soothingly. She knew the medicine would kick in, in a few minutes.

"Do you want some jello?"

Pru shook her head no and Miranda sighed.
She picked her up and walked to the pediatrics floor, to get her ear examined. Miranda explained her fever and ear pain and let them look inside.

She had a middle ear infection which was common in children 1 to 4. It didn't require antibiotics and should be gone in 2 to 3 days.

After she got her sticker and lollipop that Miranda didn't want her to have, but it was keeping her quiet they went back to her office.

She let the board come into her office and she watched as Catherine and Richard stared at her bouncing Pru until she goes to sleep.

"Do you want to reschedule?" Webber asked.

"No she has a ear infection, so I couldn't leave her in daycare, but she is sleepy so she will be fine." Miranda said quickly before pointing to the chairs.

She placed her laptop in front of her and they began the meeting. She typed what they were saying before moving Pru who fell asleep to her lap.

The meeting didn't last that long and Miranda smiled as they all left except Catherine.

"Did you find a replacement for when you go on maternity leave?"

"No I figured the Chief of Chief's would fill in." Miranda said confused.

"It's actually your choice."

"Oh well I will talk to Richard about it." Miranda said moving Pru to her sofa and placing a blanket over her. She knew tonight was going to be long.

Miranda did her paperwork and approve budgets. She went through and looked at the interviews she had lined up for new interns. She sent out emails of the dates for the interview.
She grabbed her phone off the desk as it rung.

"Hey baby. I was just getting ready to call you." Miranda grinned putting it on speaker.

"Oh yeah. Great minds think alike."

"Pru has an ear infection." She said sadly. "She asleep in my office right now."

"Aww man. Does she have a fever too?"

"She did that's why she is not in daycare. I had Schmitt give her Motrin an hour ago, so it should have came down by now. I just know tonight is going to be a difficult one because the medicine is going to keep wearing off and we have to look out for drainage and she hasn't ate anything yet, but what were you calling me for?

"I was calling to see if my wife wanted lunch."

"Wow this is the second lunch date I have been invited to today. I must be special." Miranda mumbled.

"Who was the first?" Ben questioned quickly.

"Tucker Jones."

"Your ex." He asked loudly

"Yes Benjamin." Miranda laughed.

"Well why would he ask you that or assume you wanted to go to lunch with him."

"I told him yes."

"You're loosing your mind too." Ben said seriously.

"Uh- I said yes for another day. We have things we need to discuss so I figured the lunch wouldn't be bad."

"Okay those are your intentions, but what are his and I have a strange feeling its not the same. He knows you're pregnant?"

"He can't miss it. I am huge." She giggled.

"You are not huge. You are beautiful."

"Thank you baby."

"You're welcome now shall I bring my 3 girls some lunch."

"You shall."

"What are we craving today?"

"I really want porkchops smothered in gravy with some rice." She listed out licking her lips just thinking about them.

"If that's for lunch. What's for dinner?"

"Barbecue ribs. Lots of barbecue sauce." Miranda answered.

"Okay. I think I'm going to bring you lunch and leave work early today and take Pru home that way you can work."

"Really babe. You don't have to do that?"

"I know, but what are husband and dads for. It's my job to help you and her."

"And you do such a good job. I am so lucky."

"I am the lucky one." He assured her. "I will be there in 45 minutes, an hour tops."

"Okay honey see you in a few." She smiled before hitting end.

True to his words Ben walked in holding bags of food and cup holder with drinks.

"Thank youuuu. What did you get Pru?" Miranda asked as she sat up on the couch with her.

"Chicken tenders and fries, with a fruit punch."

"You ready to eat now Babygirl." She asked stroking her hair. Pru nodded her head and pushed herself up off Miranda.

Ben cleared off Miranda's table and sat their food down in front of each chair. He helped Miranda stand up before kissing her lips twice.

"You smell like a chimney how was work?"

"It was good a slow day today, except an apartment fire. It didn't spread but to two apartments and no one was hurt, just smoke inhalation. " He explained. "You so far?"

"Paperwork. I sewed up Tucker's finger, a meeting and now your here. Which I'm glad because I am dying for a surgery."

"How many days has it been?"

"3 whole days." She whined. "I want to slice someone open so bad and that sounds wrong."

"It's your profession, what you were born to do." Ben said understanding what she meant.

"I love being Chief. I love my job, but it's paperwork, budgets, protocols, reprimanding someone, speeches, news statements and not enough surgery. Then again I can't stand for long periods of time either. I am aiming to do at least two surgeries a week or even assist."

The couple ate and talked for a while before Ben cleaned up the trash and got ready to take Pru home.

"We will see you later." Ben said hugging her goodbye.

"Okay. If she is sleeping, I will get Tuck or joey to come get me tonight." Miranda smiled and never in a million years did she expect that statement to come out her mouth. She was scared as hell teaching them both how to drive. They stressed her out so bad she ended up letting Ben and Jack do it.

Later that night Miranda got Joey to come get her since her husband called and said she was finally asleep after crying for an hour straight. She needed that ear infection to disappear.

Miranda warmed herself up the left overs from dinner that she missed and ate watching a little bit of tv. Trying to catch up on law and order svu that she missed.

After eating and cleaning the kitchen up she walked to her room and opened the door. She smiled softly seeing her husband sleep and Pru in the middle of the bed. She walked over and saw that he had a pad under her head.

Miranda tilted her head and saw that her ear was draining. Hopefully she wouldn't move too much and stay on the pad, that she was sure he took from the hospital. Laying her head back down she walked to the bathroom and took a shower. Once she got out she dried off and applied stretch mark cream to her stomach.

She threw on a nightgown and walked back into the room. Miranda saw Ben's eyes open and she sighed.

"I'm sorry did I wake you?" She pouted

"No I was getting up for something sweet."

"Cake?" Miranda said hopefully.

"We have red velvet." He smiled at her smile.

Ben stood up and grabbed her hand. They walked to the kitchen and she sat down on the stool as he got plates and forks out for the both of them.

Once he cut their pieces he sat down beside her and spoke. "So babe. I kind of agreed to let Tuck and Joey's friends stay here for spring break."

"You did what?" Miranda asked pulling the fork out her mouth.

"It was an accident. They asked me a few days ago, I wasn't paying attention and I just said yes. They have already told their friends who made the plans and told their parents and I received several phone calls today confirming."

"So you agreed to harbor what six or eight teenage boys on our days off." She scolded crossing her arms.

"Yes." Ben gulped.

"I'm going to work." She stated firmly.

"Mirandaaa." He whined looking at her fully.

"No uh uh. This is your problem." She responded stabbing her cake.

"Miranda we had plans this week so you can't go into work."

"You just forfeited those plans."

"Baby. It will be fun. We can still put together the nursery. Paint Pru's room.

"Fine, but I want a massage, manicure and pedicure."

"Deal." He smiled. He liked painting her nails and her toes, she couldn't reach her feet now anyway and the massage was never a problem it always led to something else.

"They are going to eat us out of a house and home." She huffed just thinking about it.

In two days she would be running a camp.

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