chapter 26

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Fiona pov


we were about to chop off the toe to this dead body we got so we could fake aunt ginger death so I could get the house and kids back. When we hear a loud crash from downstairs. We all run down stairs and see Ave on the floor covered in blood and bullet hole in her leg.

I stop in my tracks as soon as I see her and so does everyone else v runs over and checks her pulls and then her eyes widened "call an ambulance now" she shouted and lip starts to call an ambulance.

No no no we can't loses Ave.

After a few minutes the ambulance comes and I go with her while lip and Ian finish what we were doing and then agreed to meet at the hospital.


Lip pov

After Fiona and Ave leave in the ambulance I see mandy walking down the street and she walks over to us.

"What's going on here. " He asked.

"Honestly do not know my self other than we just found Ave passed out on the floor with a low pulse and hardly breathing covered in blood with a bullet hole in her leg. " I say holding back tears.

She pulls me and Ian into a hug and then helps us with the rest of the aunt ginger thing. And came with us to the hospital.

When we get to the hospital we find out that Ave was shot in the leg and had multiple cuts some needing stitches and the reason for her hardly breathing and low pulls was due to losing too much blood.

That night we all stayed at the hospital me , Fiona, Ian, v, kev and mandy.

Mandy pov

I went home the next day after spending the night in the hospital I walked in and saw Mickey beaten up face.

Who has he annoyed this time.

"Where the fuck have you been. " Mickey asked as I walk in.

"The hospital. " I say.

He gives me a confused look.

"Not for me asshole for Ave she came home in the afternoon yesterday and collapsed on there kitchen floor with a bullet hole in her leg and covered in blood they think her Foster family did it." I say before walking into my room.

Mickey pov

After what Mandy told me I can't get Ave out of my head I know my dad beat her pretty bad but he didn't shoot her . All I want to do is go see if she is okay but I can't bring myself to do it especially because if my dad finds out he definitely will kill us.

life could be easy but it's not fun that way(mickey milkovich)Where stories live. Discover now