chapter 9

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I wake in the morning and head to the bathroom and get changed and have a shower.


I head down stairs and I guess everyone was out because only Fiona was in the kitchen

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I head down stairs and I guess everyone was out because only Fiona was in the kitchen.

"Where is everyone." I ask

"Debbie and Carl went to go get coupons and Ian and lip went to go and steal from a meat truck." She said flipping through a newspaper. I noded my head.

"Sooo" she said as I sat down.

"What " I said.


"You had sex for the first time since you got raped" she said.

I noded my head.

"With mikey milkovich" she said and I looked up to her with tears in my eyes.

She walks over and hugs me and kisses the top of my head.

"It's okay it's okay ". She said.

I look up at her through my tears.

"Where you ready?" She asked.

I thought about it and honestly it had been a year since I went to that party and that boy from my class raped me and I need to get my body back some how and I think that was just the final step I needed to make I just don't know if I made it with the right person.

I noded my head.

She smiled back at me.

"I just don't know if I it was with the right person." I said

She look at me and then spoke "he may or may not have been the right person but at the end of the day I don't think it matters its still a big accomplishment for you.....just don't get attached to him know what he is like." She said before debbie and Carl came in with coupons and then the boys came back with a bunch of meet."


I realise I should probably go and talk to mikey about what happened because I kinda just took off with no explanation the other day.

I walk to the same abandoned building which we keep meeting at.

I walk through the building and see him on the old sofa drinking beer and shooting the wall.

I walk over to him and stand next to the sofa.

"What you want gallagher" he says as I walk over to the edge of the building.


"Your not going to jump are you". He says in a confused tone.

"No" I say at I sit down at the edge of the building.

He walks over and joins me at the edge and hands me a beer.

"It wasn't my first time yesterday" I say "but it was my first time since I got raped." I say not wanting to look at him not knowing how he will react because for fuck sake it's mikey milkovich but at the same time he has been acting different recently.

He looks over to me.

"Ahhh fuck sake I'm not good at this shit man". He says which makes me laugh.

I think one of the main reasons I have actually been enjoying his company recently is because when I tell him shit that has happened to me he doesn't look at me with worry or feel sorry for me he just looks at me like I'm a normal person and sometimes that's all I need.

I turn to look at him.

"It's fine I don't want you to be." I say.

"The fuck that ment to mean." He says taking a sip of beer.

"I mean most of my life people have looked at me with a look in their eyes which means they feel sorry for me and I hate it, I mean if life was easy I don't think it would be fun."

"True" he says lifting up his beer and then taking a sip.

"I mean yeah life sucks a lot of the time and shitie things happened to me all the time it seems but honestly I guess I have just learnt not to care anymore." I say wiping the tears that have formed in my eyes.

Mikey look at me and then took a deep breath.

"The reason I got so annoyed when you told me Frank hit you is because before my mum died my dad used to hit my mum I used to try and stop him but it only lead to me getting it." He says refusing to look at me.

Mikey milkovich actually talking about his feelings for once ,oh my god.

I look over to him and lift up my beer to him and say "to having shitie life's but also not shitie at the same time."

We both laugh.

"Tell anyone what I said and I'll rip your fucking tongue out". He said.

"Tell anyone what I said and I'll rip your tongue out " I say laughing.

He gets up and heads to the old sofa.

"So we gonna bang or what". He shouted over to me.

I laughed to myself and got up and walked over to him.

When I got home it was late and I think everyone was asleep.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the fridge.

As I shut the door I heard foot steps down the stairs.

"Where were you" Fiona asked.

"I went to talk to mikey I thought he deserved an explanation." I said opening the beer.

"How did it go" she said while grabbed a beer herself.

"Alright he understude I guess". I said not wanting to go into detail about what actually happened.

She noded her head.

"By the way tomorrow we are doing a fake funeral for Frank" she said way to calmly then it should have been.

I look over to her confused.

"Don't ask something about some guys after him." She said.


life could be easy but it's not fun that way(mickey milkovich)Where stories live. Discover now