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after finishing their meal, the two decided to stay inside the cafe for a couple more minutes to talk. after all, shirabu did tell her that they were going to talk about everything they needed to clear out about them after all was done. kana nervously waited for him to speak, not really knowing where to start if she were to make the first move.

"i'd start with the most obvious thing right now: i like you. if that's not quite clear yet. all of this is new to me, so i really don't know if what i am doing is right. if you have any questions you would like me to answer, please do ask." shirabu started, giving her a slight smile— a smile that only appears in the presence of sashihara kana. "i'll try my best to answer them all."

"alright," kana replied, smiling back at him. "when did you realize that you actually like me back?"

the male blushed, covering the lower half of his face while looking away. did she really have to ask that question so early? then again, the question was inevitable and he did tell her to ask him anything she wanted to.

she is really not holding back with the questions, huh?

"it was... when you first talked about futakuchi. it made me upset for some reason knowing you looked at him as a guy while you only looked at me as your best friend. or something like that." he replied, quite embarrassed about his own words.

was it really at that moment? if he can recall correctly, it probably was. he felt every bit of him wanting to pull kana away from futakuchi, to take her away just so she can only stay by his side like she always used to.

"oh... that. i just found the guy cute. i didn't really like him in that way or anything. especially when he said they were gonna win against you guys. i know it too well that you guys will win. and you know, you will always be my favourite, jiro."

"so i got jealous for nothing..."

"haha! seems like it. i have another question," kana replied, giggling at the thought of her best friend realizing he likes her through the hard way. "why me, by the way? of all the girls out there."

"you're simply way more exquisite than everyone else. they could try to be the prettiest but you are the most beautiful in my eyes. i know that sounds like it's out of those silly romance movies, but i really feel that way. it's like a spotlight is placed only on you. i don't know... you're just genuine with everything and you're caring, i like that a lot about you. i wasn't even your business but you approached me that one day and here i am, so attached to you. then gradually, i realized that i felt warm and that you felt quite like home to me."

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