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one step, two steps, and a couple more of hurried steps— shirabu kenjiro tried to get away from the redhead who was chasing him down the hallways. no, it was not kana— it was her self-proclaimed brother who also sported the same red coloured hair. they were not related by blood at all, but everyone liked to believe that they were— and so they acted the part.

shirabu kenjiro, with his copper hair moving sidewards while he is on a rush, had a couple hundred of thoughts running through his head. why is the third year chasing him around, when he and semi eita had already talked to him the night before? did he perhaps do something wrong that they found out late about? god, does he wish he hasn't done something cruel to the girl.

"why are you chasing me?!" he asked, raising his voice a bit, yet hurrying his steps as they finally reach the cafeteria.

"i will not be chasing you if you  decide to stop walking!" tendou replied, his voice noticeably louder than shirabu's, which earned the attention of many.

"but you will get ahold of me if i stop!" he reasoned out, "why are you even chasing me? did i do something wrong?"

he finally halted his steps, quite hesitant about it at first. if he did something wrong to hurt the feelings of his best friend— he was very much willing to take responsibility for it. however, he did not know anything he did lately that could actually upset kana.

"i need to talk to you about something important," the redhead replied, making shirabu raise his brows.

"quite obvious..." shirabu whispered, but tendou heard it anyways. "what is it about, senpai?"

"let's find somewhere else to chat." the red haired said, dragging the copper haired someplace else.

as tendou was dragging the young man towards the gyms, people watched them— whether out of pity for the second year setter or out of amusement. after all, tendou literally grabbed shirabu by the back of his uniform.

the two then safely arrived by the gyms, looking around in case someone caught up with them. the second year felt quite nervous about what tendou planned on talking about, the third year acted as if the thing at hand is top secret.

shirabu then folded his arms across his chest, sighing as he waited for the third year to speak first. however, tendou did not— so he made the first move.

"what is it that you really wanted to talk about, senpai? you didn't have to grab me harshly like that." he said, his brows furrowing. he was a bit pissed, but this person has helped him out lately so he decided to keep the annoyance inside.

"it's about kana. she told me she was worried about you. you seemed to be 'upset'? that's what she thought. did you act weirdly around her earlier?"

shirabu almost choked with his own saliva as he heard the other male talk. did he act weirdly? he could only imagine how constipated he truly looked like, recalling how nervous he was in facing the girl. did he act weirdly? he knew to himself he did— it was out of nervousness.

even so, kana was concerned? even the slightest of change in his behaviour, kana still notices them. it warmed his heart that she knew him like the back of her hand— making him smile unknowingly.

"stop that, you look like you're a fool in love. what happened? were you upset with someone? you should stop worrying kana over the littlest of things."

what happened? nothing much actually happened. he just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, its effects being overloaded thoughts wreaking havoc in his mind. hesitance and fear consuming most of it.

"actually," shirabu started, sighing. he realized that if there were people who will help him realize things as unfamiliar to him as love, it was those two who approached him that night— tendou and semi, as much as he hated to admit it. "i was just overthinking stuff. about kana and i."

tendou smirked, teasing words already formulating deep in his mind. however, he decided that he would help the second year first before he would mess with him.

"can you tell me more about those thoughts? i truly don't want kana to be hurt just because you're confused about your own feelings and all." tendou replied, raising a brow at the younger male.

"w-well... after that talk with you and semi last night... i started thinking about how and when i will make my first move. if i actually have the chance, if risking a lot of things would be worth it."

"pft," tendou tried hard not to laugh, but failed to do so. he then started giggling, then ruffled shirabu's hair. "you're growing up, kid. my only advice would be to tell her how you truly feel, and always make her feel special. my kana doesn't deserve someone who doesn't show his love to her. okay?"

after much thought and seconds of blushing at the thought of doing various things with the girl, shirabu nodded obediently which shocked both himself and his senior. he then turned away, embarrassed about how he sounded like a kid asking for help about his crush— well, that was partly correct.

"thank you." the copper haired male whispered, sheepishly rubbing his nape.

"no need to thank me. go shoot your shot before it's too late."

"i will."

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