"No," Dora said waving at the man in the window then quickly hiding her smoke behind her back giving him a cheeky grin.

"He won't care if you are smoking," Hermione laughed. "He was a smoker for many years until my grandma got sick." She saw the older woman shoot her a sad look. "That's a story for another time. How's Bella? I haven't seen her since Monday morning."

"Umm," Dora seemed lost in thought but elusive at the same time, "she's good. Been busy. I haven't really seen much of her." The pink-haired woman took one last drag then dropped her cigarette, putting it out with her foot, picking up the butt and throwing it in the trash, "she is a very busy woman." The girl laughed a deep laugh that reminded the brunette of her pen pal.

Hermione thought that reaction was odd. "Don't you live together?"

"Yeah," Dora sighed and shrugged, "she spends a few days a month with her other sister. You know that big fucking house where the ball was. She's due to come home on Friday. That might be why you haven't seen or heard from her. Aunt Narcissa runs a tight ship when Bella is over."

"A tight ship?" She hummed in consideration before adding, "and I thought your mum was a little overbearing," Hermione grumbled while kicking a small ball of snow.

Dora laughed, "well Bella is very loved and protected by her sisters. Looks like your grandfather is trying to get your attention," she pointed to the window where the man was waving for Hermione to come back inside. "Guess that's my cue to leave. I'll tell Bella you asked about her when she gets back on Friday. She did mention that she's dying to take you out on a date and that she's nervous about it." She saw a confused look on her friend's face. "Nervous about asking you and nervous about the date. It's all very cute if you ask me," she smirked then her face turned serious, "you didn't hear that from me though. My aunt would kill me if she knew I let that slip." Hermione pretended to pull a zipper over her lips. "See you around, Alice." Dora turned and ran back across the street and into the salon.

"Bye!" The brunette shouted after her before turning on her heel and heading back into the shop. "That was Dora," she announced coming back in before her grandfather had a chance to ask. "She works in the salon with her mother, Andromeda."

"So," Henry smiled, "you've met the neighbors."

"Dora is really nice. Andromeda and I didn't get off on the right foot. Remember Bella?" She asked moving behind the counter to start sorting the new arrivals. "The letter writer," she added when she saw the confused look on Henry's face which quickly turned into recollection, "that's her sister. Seems Andromeda thought i was going to hurt Bella and we haven't made amends yet."

"Oh, I see," Henry nodded, "if anyone has the capability of getting someone on their good side, it's you sunshine. People love you."

"We shall see," came the noncommittal response from the brunette as she piled up the new books.


A tall lady with shoulder length hair was pacing the downstairs foyer with her arms crossed. She was mumbling to herself, checking her wrist watch obsessively looking at the time. She sighed and threw her hands up in the air. She marched over to the bottom of the stairs and called up, "let's go Bella. We are going to be late."

"No!" The muffled reply came hurtling down the stairs

"You don't have a choice. Get. Down. Here. Now." The woman enunciated her words.

"No!" Bella yelled back down the stairs. "I don't want to!"

"You are acting like a petulant child not a 41 almost 42 year old," she crossed her arms again. "There is no choice. This is the last session for the month then you are free to go back to Andy's house now get down here." She heard her sister scream and the shatter of glass and something was thrown against the wall.

The English Rose जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें