Xena I: Ascension

Start from the beginning

Titania raised a brow at me.

"I'm feeling quite...dirty and unruly. I need a change. Could you let me go just for that?"

She hardened. "I don't believe I trust you enough to do such a thing."

"But you'll be by my side like you always are. Please, Titania. I'm carrying my wife's and my own blood on me for days now. Please."

Titania caved. She brought me to a town. She released the binds she had on me.

The first thing I did was buy new clothes. Luckily for me, a merchant from Seratonium was here, and I could buy clothes I was familiar with.

Titania then took us to a bath house. I saw her naked for the first time. Everything about Titania was absolutely perfect and gorgeous. I washed myself for a very long time. When I put on my new clothes, I was completely renewed.

The binds returned. We walked together further. She seemed less worried about me. I had kept my promise to her.

We ran into trouble during our journey. Two bandits chased us towards a cliff.

"Do you trust me?" Titania whispered to me.

It was then I realized, staring into her bright eyes, that I would give my life for this woman. There was nothing I was more certain of. Titania was my new beginning, and she would be my new end.

"Yes, of course," I held tightly to her.

"Hug my waist and open your wings," she instructed.

Together, we flew off that cliff with coordinated grace. We reached safety and disappeared.

Soon, her magic returned. I was brought to Newartic. We broke through the earth to a cavern. Before me were Mother Gaia, Nolar, and Gaellileo. I felt their power and their strength.

Titania left my side for the first time. She sat next to Mother Gaia.

"Miss Xena," Nolar began. "You are standing trial for the crime of burning an entire planet and killing hundreds of fae."

"I suppose there's no question of your guilt," Gaellileo tapped his fingers. "But why should we not tear you back down to the molecules from which you came?"

"Because I was blinded by rage," I answered. "I hadn't been thinking clearly when I landed back on Seratonium. I wanted revenge for my wife, who was killed right in front of me."

"Is that irredeemable?" Titania asked.

"No," I shook my head. "I will make up for it by laying down my life as it is to do anything that Mother Gaia or her daughter asks of me. I will fight to my bitter end to protect peace in this realm and to squander chaos sown about by the demons that have been set free. I swear that if it came to it, I would die in stead for Titania."

"Hm," Mother Gaia set her chin against her hand. "My daughter has a perilous assignment. She is to kill her brother, but not before she finds a way to reserve herself. You mean to say that you would do anything for her?"

"I would gladly fulfill any request that would leave her lips."

"Why?" Nolar waved his cup, nearly spilling wine everywhere.

"Simple," I shrugged. "I've fallen in love with the sweet and beautiful Titania."

Titania flushed a brilliant red. She turned the color of her hair.

"Xena, the Sword of Justice," Mother Gaia continued. "I assign you to protect and care for my daughter until her duty is fulfilled. I was hoping you would not leave her side until that is complete. Do I have your word?"

"My word and my life," I got down on my knees.

"Xena, the Sword of Justice, we release you to continue living. However," Gaellileo looked at Mother Gaia. "No gods shall ever be raised back into living bodies. They will become spirits in this cavern and devise a way to return to flesh if need be. We cannot have this level of destruction again."

"Seconded," Nolar raised his glass.

"Titania, you may release her," Mother Gaia nodded.

Nolar looked down upon me. "How will we know she will not do anything foolish?"

"Because, dear brother," Mother Gaia glanced his way. "My daughter will take Xena's life herself if she does."

"Why would you do that?" Titania hissed, unleashing my binds.

"Profess my undying love to you during my trial?" I grinned. "Because it's true. I would do anything for you, Titania, even if you don't feel the same way about me.

"Who said I didn't?" She spat out.

I blinked at her. Was this Titania sharing her feelings in return? She pulled me from the trial room into a cavernous hallway. She held my arm as we pressed on further into the place. She brought me to a room filled with gold, jewels, and trinkets.

"What's all this?" I began.

She grabbed me fiercely and kissed me. I felt myself melt in her presence. My hands fell to her delicate body beneath her light clothes. I kissed her. I cared not for the whims of the past. I exposed her. She unleashed me. I laid her on the floor, and I took her right there. Titania absolutely unraveled beneath my fingers. I had her crying out when she hit a big one, her white wings unfurling in all their glory. Green magic sparkled in the air as I paused to let her breathe.

"Oh my," she sat back.

I touched her magic still glittering through the air. It felt all right. Like every concern I'd ever had was qualmed. Titania was another being all to her own.

"So you love me too?" I asked.

She laughed, bright and beautiful. "Of course I love you. You were so steadfast and strong. I learned to trust you. I've never trusted anyone outside of my mother since my creation."

"Ah, you loved me before I banged your brains out."

"Xena," she giggled, hitting my arm. "I've never been with anyone before."


"I was following your lead."

"Titania," I set my hand on her leg. "Are you kidding me?"

"Absolutely not."

"You've had some desolate and lonely years since your creation, huh?"

She pulled her knees to her chest. "Yes, it's been a sad couple of hundred years. I've always been here besides facing off against my brother and his wife. You're the first time I was allowed out to do something not involving Serberous or Lilith. It was the longest I was ever out."

I laid down at her feet. "Titania, I promise to serve you. It would help if you weren't lonely. I want to work for you in whatever way you need. I want to love you until my heart ceases beating."

"Good," she set her forehead against mine. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Are you going to tell me what this room is?"

"This is all the pieces I have collected to put my soul into," she explained. "I want you to help me spread them throughout Newartic."

"As you wish, my lady," I kissed her hand.

Titania giggled. It was the cutest start to our relationship.

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