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Sometimes, I have intrusive memories. Thoughts that come back to haunt me when I am alone and vulnerable.

Since Arn has gone, they have come to me much more.

I also think since I've been alone, I've lost myself too.

My earliest memory is standing on the steps of the Resteric River Church, my Zweihänder in my hands. The sword that my father had shoved onto me. The sword that long ago belonged to Titania. Blood was on my face, having witnessed my mother's murder. I remember the rain. It was cold and horrendous. 

It makes me wonder if my entire life was destined to fight for the gods. I believed in nothing since I was let down repeatedly by everyone all my life. I had no father. My mother was dead. Everyone in the church rejected me. Every bit of history seems to point me to where I am now.

But who am I?

Orpheus of hardworking hands. That's what Seran, one of Nox's friends, has called me. Orpheus is the name Ezra, Xena, and Argus regard me by. The Open Hearth tends to be what Titania and Mother Gaia use. Lex, my son, is what Domascus uses. Lexington is what my friends call me, what Persephone calls me. So many names swirl in my head.

Orpheus, the God of Love. That is my title. I was born a mortal man, Lexington Breece. I am haunted.

I can still see him, even now. Dorimir, the God of Death. He hunts me from mirrors, from shadows. He's been around me for years now.

Years that I've been lost. Years since Arn disappeared. Since I left him on the surface of Medowlark.

Years that I've worked on building the Blackwater Grund. I have done hard labor for months. The docks are nearly complete. 

A knock rang out across my room.

I get up. My house has been on the edge of the Blackwater Grund for some time. I rented it because Dorimir wouldn't leave my vision. 

"Good morning," Forrest greeted me. 

"Morning," I grumbled, heading back into the bedroom.

Forrest started into the kitchen. He had been doing this for a while now. He has been trying to take care of me. The stress of being alone without my love, of seeing the God of Death constantly in my vision, had started to take a toll on me. Forrest had been the only one to notice.

I took my time getting ready. Forrest had breakfast done before I was back out. I sat at the table with him.

"Where's your boyfriend?" I sipped my tea.

"Fighting with his brother," Forrest gave me a tired smile. 

"It's been getting worse, huh?"

"Cleinias has gotten his girlfriend involved in whatever magic research he's doing, and Al still wants them to give it up because Eleise isn't their mom anymore." 

"Oh," I leaned back. "This mess again."

"Yeah," Forrest grinned. "It's why I come up here. You ready for work?" 

"Of course."

Forrest and I headed down to the docks. The other water fae met up with us. Nox directed the group before letting both of his kids run back with his wife. We continued to build until the sunset. 

"Dinner?" Forrest attempted.

"I'm going back to my parent's tonight," I gave him a polite smile. "Sorry, you can't escape your home for dinner with me."

"It was worth a shot," he shrugged. "You playing later tonight?"

"Yeah," I scribbled down a name. "I'll be there."

Ancient Monsters (Chasing Titania #3)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ