Special chapter

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Notice: triple update today.

The weather was beautiful today. Armin sat outside, in front of his painter's easel.

While tapping his paint-coated brush against the canvas in front of him, he felt two strong arms embracing him from the back. Armin looked down and saw one hand and one stump pressing against his chest.

"I've missed you," a deep voice breathed into his ear.

Armin immediately dropped down his brush and turned around.

"I've missed you too," he answered and kissed his husband. It was a passionate and desperate kiss against those lips he'd missed so much. "I can't believe you're really here again."

They hadn't seen each other for over five weeks. Kristof was digging and opening up another diamond mine a couple of hundred kilometers further with his new business partner. And believe it or not, that new partner was nobody other than...the King!

"How was it? Did everything go smoothly?" Armin asked in between the kisses.

"Hmm-hmm. Everything is taken care of. Adam is still there and will return home in about two weeks. But I just couldn't wait any longer, I needed to see you."

Armin wrapped his arms around Kristof and hugged him tightly, taking in the familiar scent he had missed so much. Pulling back, he placed kisses all over Kristof's face. Against his forehead, his cheeks, and his scar. Oh, how Armin had missed feeling that slightly lumpy skin underneath his lips again.

"How was it here?" Kristof asked.

"Other than I missed you like crazy, it was good. I sold four paintings! And they will all go to Europe!" Armin spoke proudly.

Kristof smiled. "My husband is the best. And when will you paint something for me again? Something that can hang in my secret room. My nude painting is still waiting for some company, you know. When will you paint yourself for me?" Kristof asked.

But what he didn't know was that Armin had already started on such a painting. Four days ago, Armin had looked at himself in the mirror and really observed his body and every little detail. He then decided to paint himself lying on the grass with the lake in the background. It was the place where they shared their first laugh, kiss, and lovemaking. All of their first precious moments. He will give it to Kristof on his birthday which is in two and a half weeks.

"I will give it to you for your birthday."

"You will?" Kristof was surprised.

"I promise," Armin replied. "Are you hungry?" he asked. It was almost dinnertime.

"I can't wait for that gift. And yes, I am hungry. Let's go inside. I also want to talk to May and Rock. I'm sure they miss Adam and would like to know how their husband and father are doing."

Armin nodded and together they walked into the castle.

All the servants were happy that the good master was home again.

Rock, already six years old now, came running down the stairs. "Uncle! Uncle!" The boy said happily when hugging his uncle.

Kristof saw him searching for another man. "Your dad will be here in a few days."

"Oh..." the boy said, disappointed. His green and brown eyes glazed up.

Kristof ruffled Rock's hair, "He will be back before you know it. Where is your mother?"

"In the kitchen."

"Okay, go tell her I'm here."

After a big hug, Rock ran back to the kitchen.

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