Chapter 16 - Jealousy

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It had been two days since Kristof and Armin had sex for the first time. Their first time had become a magical moment that wonderful night. They'd been up all night cuddling, touching, kissing, caressing, and just loving each other.

Three times, they'd made love. Sadly, after those three times, Kristof refused to do it again, because he didn't want to put Armin's body through too much stress.

The younger had been bummed out because if Armin was honest, he couldn't get enough of it! It had hurt a little, sure, but that didn't dampen the good feeling in the slightest.

So this was what actual sex felt like. The kind of sex his friends had spoken about. Armin understood it now. And it had felt better than he could have imagined it to feel.

The day after, Armin had felt a little sore. Though it wasn't that bad, Kristof had said he didn't want to make love to him again until the pain was over! Armin found that Kristof overreacted. It hadn't even hurt that much afterward.

But there were also more things on their minds. They had attended the funerals of the mineworkers. It was a hard day, especially for the families, but also for Kristof and Adam. The funerals were heartbreakingly sad, but also beautiful in a way. All men had gotten the most respectful burial service that was possible.

Armin had never seen so many grieving people in his life.

The mine supervisor had said the cause of the explosion was a methane gas leak that happens naturally in mines. The chances were slim for one to happen in a diamond mine instead of a coal mine, but these accidents sometimes happen. Nobody was to blame. None of the families held Kristof responsible, even though the man himself still sometimes felt that way.

Armin had told Kristof he shouldn't do that to himself. It really wasn't his fault.

After seeing the respect that all families had for his husband, Armin once again saw what a unique soul Kristof actually was.

And then came today. When they sat for breakfast, May had come with the post; a letter for Kristof. It was from an old acquaintance. A man named Tristan.


"Oh, wow." Kristof laughed.

Armin saw how the older's eyes started to twinkle and a wide grin appeared on his face as he read the letter.

"What is it?" Armin asked.

"This letter is from a man I haven't seen for ten years and actually never expected to see ever again. And now, he asks if he can visit."

"What will you write back?" Armin asked.

"Actually...This is the man I told you about. Do you remember? The foreigner?"


The foreigner.

"His name is Tristan."

Armin remembered the foreigner. It was the man that Kristof had considered a former lover and who was his...his first.

Kristof noticed how the subject Tristan made his husband uncomfortable. Even though he knew he could never feel for Tristan what he felt for Armin, he understood it wasn't fair to Armin to let the man stay with them as a guest.

"Don't worry, Armin. I am not planning on letting him stay here. But I was wondering if it was okay if we invited him to the party?"

Armin thought about it. He knew it would be ridiculous if he would say 'no'. He was glad that Kristof wouldn't let Tristan stay at their home, and that Kristof asked him if he could invite Tristan instead of just doing it.

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