Chapter 7: Floathing

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"Sit still."

Kristof could see Armin's tongue slightly sticking out of the corner of his mouth, clamped between his lips as he was dipping the brush in the paint and concentrating on the canvas in front of him.

" bossy," Kristof teased.

"No, I'm not! I just can't focus if you keep moving all the time."

And Kristof couldn't focus on sitting still with those beautiful eyes on him constantly. Those piercing black eyes that were decorated with long, curly lashes.

Armin had decided to paint Kristof's portrait as a farewell gift. He'd been busy with that task for four hours now, and it was almost finished. He just wanted to add the last details to Kristof's face. However, if the man kept moving around every damn second, it would only take longer.

"I'm almost done."

"Do you know how long I've been sitting here already? And I'm also very curious how it looks, can't you show it to me real quick?"

"No, I'm almost done. Sit still." Just a few more touches of white and he would be all done. "Just this little... touch here... and then..." One last time, he dipped the tiny brush in the paint and added a few more strokes. "There. I'm done!"

While he said it, Armin looked at the portrait with a smile. It looked good; he was proud of his work. He hoped Kristof would be too.

The older stood up and walked towards Armin with eagerness. He turned to the portrait and was completely blown away by it. "Wow, Armin...This is amazing." He almost had no words for it.

He saw himself in oils and he couldn't believe Armin painted him so accurately. Everything was painted just as he was. His hair, eyes, nose, lips, and scar. Kristof had wondered if Armin would paint his scar and he had, something that made Kristof happy. After the time they spent, Kristof got the feeling that Armin was getting used to the scar and became accepting of it.

"Thank you. I'm glad there is something that I am better at than you are," Armin replied.

"Don't speak so low of yourself, Armin." Kristof was serious.


"I love it."

"Anyway...where will you hang it?"

"I don't know. Do you have any suggestions?"

"The hallway," Armin answered.

"Okay. Then in the hallway, it shall be hung. Thank you, I am thrilled with it." Kristof looked at the painting with a thankful smile.

"You're welcome."



"Before you leave... Can you paint me a portrait of...yourself?" Kristof asked in the softest voice.

Armin wanted to ask why, but he didn't. He didn't know if he wanted to hear the answer.

"I will," he replied.

Kristof thankfully broke the awkward silence that followed. "I'm going for a walk. It's beautiful outside, and I really need to stretch my legs after sitting this long. Want to come with me?"

Armin thought over his answer. He had fun yesterday, but maybe it will be a bit too much for them to hang around again for a whole day. He didn't want to give Kristof any false hope...

"No. I will stay here and maybe paint a little more," he said finally.

"Okay, I will be back before dinner," Kristof said, looking at his pocket watch and seeing it was one o'clock.

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