Chapter 8a: Blue diamond

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Armin found himself standing in front of the painter's easel, holding up an empty canvas. It wasn't even seven o'clock in the morning. The sun had just come up and he had placed the easel in front of the window so that he would have enough light to paint.

After a sleepless night where he had maybe three hours of sleep, he really needed to get something out of his system. This picture is in his head... Over and over again, it was haunting his mind!

As he painted, he was ashamed of the image that was beginning to form on the canvas but he was too tired to really care. He let the brush dance over the canvas, stroking, dabbing, and blending the paint. Greens, turquoise, browns, white and black.

When it was ten o'clock, there came a knock on the door. Armin quickly turned the easel around so the person knocking on his door wouldn't be able to see his work of art.

"Yes, come in," Armin answered.

Kristof opened the door and peeked his head inside. "Good morning. Ah! You're painting! Can I see it?" he asked while walking into the room.

"No! I mean,'s not finished yet!" Armin said as he jumped in front of his work, protecting it with his life. Kristof mustn't come any closer.

The younger one felt his skin burning on his cheeks, so he quickly turned around, hiding his flushed face, and pretended to clean his brushes. He didn't want Kristof to see his red blushing face.

"Are you busy with the painting I asked for? Can I see it?" Kristof asked again.

What should Armin do now? He hated lying. But no way he was going to tell Kristof what was depicted in the painting. Let alone show it to the man!

"Your self-portrait you mean? I will show that to you when it's finished." It wasn't a lie.

"Okay, okay... I can wait. I came here to say goodbye. I will leave to go to the mine now. I waited because I was hoping to see you at breakfast this morning, but alas. Aren't you hungry?"

When Armin felt that most of the red burning sensation had left his face, he turned around to face Kristof again.

"No, not that hungry." And he was also busy with other things that made him forget breakfast, but he would never tell. "But... maybe you can knock on my door tomorrow morning? We can eat breakfast together then?" Kristof smiled and nodded. "When... when will you be back home today?" Armin asked.

"Before dinner."


After Kristof had left his room, Armin turned the easel around. Thankfully the other hadn't seen the painting! The painting of himself. In the water. Naked... Because that was the image that was haunting Armin's mind.

He dipped the smallest brush in white paint and added highlights to the drops of water that were glittering on Kristof's body. Armin felt a strange feeling inside when he was busy giving form to Kristof's private parts, highlighting and shadowing it; shaping it as he remembered it.

He then added some small black hairs that grew in a fine line towards the navel.

Armin laid the brush down and rubbed his hands over his face a couple of times. "What on earth's name am I doing?!" he asked himself while shaking his head.

What has gotten into him? What if Kristof would find out? How could he explain himself?


Kristof sat in the carriage with an unfamiliar feeling nagging at his psyche. Since he came home yesterday, Armin had been acting a bit strange. He hoped the younger one wouldn't get sick!

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