Once again, the small dorm room was silent. It wasn't huge, Scott and Jimmy having to sleep side-by-side with a small walkway between their two single beds. A bedside between either of them so they couldn't see each other when they slept. Two desks sit snugly at the end of both beds with shelves galore above them, and two cupboards next to them for clothes. A mini fridge that Jim had brought sat near the door, a plank of wood on top of it with a small fishbowl.

The fish was named Norman, by the way.

On the bigger wall beside Scott's bed hung cords of string with clipped photos of his friends and family– all polaroids thanks to his fifteen-year-old self buying one. Jimmy's had posters of different marvel movies– more prominently Captain America. On the shared bedside sat a framed photo of Jimmy with his older sister and parents. Something Scott couldn't help but be jealous of. A door off to a very small bathroom and, of course, finally, a TV attached to Scott's cupboard via a frame that came off the wall and angled perfectly so both boys could see. They were to never move it.

While it was only a small space, both students liked it and hardly ever fought over things. Jimmy was fine with Shelby and Katherine coming around just like Scott was fine with Lizzie and Joel. Lizzie is his older sister who also went to college here and her boyfriend was Joel. Turns out the two were very close.

Scott's sister was older than him, her having been fifteen when their parents separated and let's just say the two could never see eye-to-eye. She left when she turned eighteen and didn't keep proper contact with the tealette. Yes, he was salty about it and no, he didn't want to talk about it.

The boy shook any thoughts that may distract him from his head and continued to type away his essay– it was due tonight at 11:59 pm and he was only halfway. He had less than twelve hours to finish it and knew he could do it. He wanted to pass, trust him.

He was a theatre student, and having to write an essay about why Romeo and Juliet was such a prominent play wasn't ideal for him. Growing up, Scott hated the Shakespearean play with all his heart. Because even after everything, their story was for nothing and they ended up dead anyway. He was just glad they had finished the topic of The Bald Soprano– he might've dropped out if they continued. Absurdism can eat his ass.

The class were to create a small theatrical performance for their end-of-year assignment and Scott still had no clue what he wanted to do. No script, no thoughts, no actors, no nothing. Katherine and Shelby tried to help him brainstorm but everything came up with a dead end. He was ready to just give up because he was going to fail.

Scott let out a groan, dragging his hands over his face. "Shit"

After watching, yet another, A-Grade-worthy monologue from the top student, Wilbur Soot, Scott walked out of the auditorium. All his peers had begun to at least cast their actors for their performances and yet, Scott didn't even have three words on his planning document. He had written 'Fuck This' and stared at it multiple times a week– maybe a day.

He sighed, hands gripping his satchel's strap as it hit his leg every time he took a step. He walked out of the formal building and out into the outdoor campus where other students ran past to their classes or walked past with a coffee from the onsite-overly expensive cafe. It was also where Jimmy worked. Scott always made sure to pop in during his shifts to keep the boy company for a while.

He passed by the fountain, the water hitting him slightly due to the splashes. He shook it off and continued down the path, his very-much vibrant shoes that he really shouldn't wear in public but does anyway because he really likes the shoes and if anyone– no Katherine, they aren't that colourful if anything they aren't colourful enough!

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