Rally - 10

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Y/n POV:

It was now 8pm and Brooklyn were the last to reach the rally, they waltzed in with loud stomps, chanting something the was muffled by the cheer of all the other newsies that had gathered. Everyone gathered together on the large stage lit by shining lights blinding us as we looked over the seats.

I looked back at Davey and Spot shaking hands in the centre of everyone, they nodded to each other when Spot looked at me and I smiled thankfully.

"Welcome newsies of New York! Welcome to my theatre and your revolution!" Medda walked onto the stage in a fancy pink dress and diamonds lacing her wrists and neck.

Everyone started to yell and clap before Davey spoke above all the noise, "Let's here it for Spot Conlon and Brooklyn!" he pointed to the short man.

"Newsies united!" Spot yelled. He raised his arms and everyone again clapped and cheered until he closed his fists, "Let's see what Pulitzer has to say to ya' now." he nodded at the silence before walking behind Davey.

"Davey? Where's Jack?" Finch asked from one of the balcony's above the stage.

All the newsies started to chant Jack's name and I joined in laughing as the rest of the Manhattan newsies did. I watched Davey go to Medda who shook her head and he sighed, turning back to all the newsies still chanting.

"Newsies of New York... look at what we've done! We've got Newsies from every pape and every neighbourhood here tonight. Tonight you're making history. Tonight we declare that we're just as much a part of the newspaper as any reporter or editor. We're done being treated like kids. From now on they will treat us as equals!" he spoke to the crowd of kids in the theatre as we all listened carefully. After he finished, a loud cheer rattled the red seats facing us.

"You wanna be talked to like an adult? Then start actin' like one. Don't just run your mouth. Make some sense." he seemed distracted and sad, he spoke with gritted teeth and clenched his jaw. I saw his eyes droop as we made eye contact and I shifted, growing closer into Race's side.

"And here's Jack!" Davey cheered making the rest follow.

Jack paused and looked at everyone then he made eyes contact with me again and frowned, looking at the ground. My eyes widened and I looked to Race who was laughing with Albert as Spot attempted to look all tough.

"Pulitzer." Jack spat with the start of his speech, "raised the price of papes without so much as a word to us, that was a lousy thing to do." their were nods and sounds of agreement around the theatre.

"So we got made and let 'em know we ain't gonna be pushed around. So we go on strike. Then what happens? Pulitzer lowers the price so's we'll go back to work! And a few weeks later he hikes the price back up again, and don't think he won't. so what do we do then? And what do we do if he decides to raise his price again after that?" people started to mumble and my face dropped, "Fellas, we gotta be realistic. We don't work, we don't get paid. How many days can you go without makin' money? However long, believe me, Pulitzer can go longer."

I stepped out and walked towards Jack. All the newsies booed and I linked my hands in front of my body, "Jack?..."

"But I have spoken to Mr. Pulitzer and he has given me his word, if we disband the union, he will not raise prices again for two years. He will even put it in writing." everything became louder, Jack was being drowned out by the protests so he started to yell even louder.

I felt my heart drop. tears moved from my eyes to my cheeks and my arms dropped loosely to my sides. Jack was shoved to the side, Spot pushed him into a old man in a suit that handed him a stack of money.

I felt frozen. My mind telling me to move but my feet staying stuck to the ground. I shook my water covered head, "Jack?..." I turned, sprinting out of the loud theatre. Tears spilling from my eyes as I rubbed them whilst running. I could here yells of traitor and betrayed from behind me and someone's feet running after mine but I didn't look back, even when I heard their muffled yelling of my name being blocked by the pained ringing in my ears.

I ran all the way to his office. Slamming open the doors and sprinting up a set of marble stairs to a large wooden door with the label 'Pulitzer' in gold on it.

I took a shaky breath and wiped my eyes again and pushed the door open with my palm. There sat in a large satin chair was the tall man with a suit and bow tie on, surrounded with papers on his wooden desk.

He looked up at me and stood from his chair. I stormed over and slammed my fist against his desk making him and his cup of tea jump.

The man righted himself and I stood up straight, "What did you say to Jack?" I asked with a clenched jaw and baled fists.

"Are you his sister? Is it... Y/n? I just gave him a deal." he lent forwards but I raised my head and eyed his cleanly shaved face with a glare.

I stepped towards the man and crunched at my shirt to stop myself from punching him, "What."

"I could give you the same one. I life of luxury for this little strike to end." an evil smile showed below the messy rat of a moustache clinging to his face.

"Never." I spat.

"Oh but you wouldn't want, is it... Race? To end up in the refuge just like you did five times. You remember how it was." he tilted his head and chuckled. My breathing quickened and my mined filled with images of the cells, rotting dead rats and kids bodies littering the ground, my whole body wounded and bruised with the scars of the Delancey's still on my body but now hidden below the fabric of my clothes.

"You know nothin' about that place." I stepped up to his face. My angry breath smacking his face.

"Maybe you need a little taster of the refuge." his nose scrunched up and he rolled his eyes to the door that creaked open silently. "Delancey's? Care to take our guest to her toom for the night?" Pulitzer asked. Out of no where, Morris and Oscar stepped out of the shadows.

"No!" I tried to sprint out the door but the brothers grabbed my arms, smiling.

They dragged me from Pulitzer's office and down three flights of stairs then into a small room. The window was bordered up, carpet ripped and stained, small bed with messy covers and no mattress.

Morris shoved me to the ground when my neck was pulled by my collar into the air and Oscar's fist connected with my face. I fell to the ground again holding my red cheek.

"Behave." they spat and left. I heard the lock click.

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