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Third person POV:

The next morning, Y/n woke up and rubbed her eyes, she felt her lips tingle at the memory. she looked around at everyone getting up and ready, she looked down at the end of the room and saw Race, Albert and Elmer talking. Y/n smiled when Race looked up at her with a huge smile lacing his lips, she jumped down from her bed and walked over to them.

"Mornin'" Race greeted with a huge smile.

Y/n giggled at him, "You idiot."

"What? Your the one who kissed me last night." he whispered to her.

"You started it!" she hit his arm gaining a strange look from both Albert and Elmer.

"What are you talkin' about?" Albert asked.

Y/n and Race looked at each other before slightly panicking, "Um nothing."

Albert and Elmer shared a confused glance, "What happened?" Elmer watched as Y/n's face filled with blush and she looked around the busy room.

"We godda go!" Albert laughed at her attempt to avoid the question as she sorted her suspenders and brushed her hair.


Everyone was in Newsie square and Albert and Elmer were still annoying Y/n and Race to tell them what they did.

"If we tell you, you can't tell ANYONE." Y/n sighed in defeat.

"Yes!" Both Albert and Elmer agreed making Y/n turn to Race.

"Y/n and I... kissed." Race answered.

Both the boys started to freak out and yell, they jumped up and down as Y/n and Race just laughed. Everyone was now looking and Y/n grabbed onto the two boy screaming, "Shut it idiots!"

"After two years your finally got enough courage to kiss her." Albert elbowed Race in the arm making him snap his neck to look at him.

"Two years ay?" Y/n smiled as Race hid his face in his hands, taking his cigar from his mouth, "Don't worry... same for me." she shrugged and looked away from him as Race looked up at her red face smiling at her.

"Really?" he asked.

"Yeah... only Crutchie knew." she played with the edges of her hair making a mental reminder to cut it later.

"You liked him and didn't tell us?" Elmer threw a hand to his heart and lent back faking being upset.

"Cause you would immediately tell him!" she said pointing to Race next to her.

They laughed at each other for a moment when Davey and Les ran in, "Morning, everybody. Sorry we're late. We had to help our mom with  something." the older of the two spoke.

"They gotta mudder? I was gonna get  me  one." Race spoke next to Y/n.

"What'd you do with the one you had?" Romeo spoke up from his seat on a pile of newspapers.

"He traded her for a box of cigars." Y/n teased next to him.

"They was Coronas!" He pointed at her as she laughed.

"We have a father too!" Les said making Davey say something big brotherly to him.

"A mudder and a fodder." Buttons said as he watched the scene play out at the side.

"Ain't we the hoi polloi?" Race laughed with Y/n who nudged his arm with hers.

"So, how's it  going today?" the youngest asked, Les watched all the older boys laughing.

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