Race? - 2

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Y/n POV:

I had only one pape left and someone walked up, I turned to sell it to them but was caught of guard by who it was, "Spot Conlon." I spoke agitated by the man in front of me. he was the leader of the Brooklyn newsies, the most respected newsie their was in New York.

"hey sweetheart." he whistled smiling at me.

"I told you stay away from me." I turned away from the short man looking for my next buyer.

"Oh baby... c'mon why are you still down in Manhattan come up to Brooklyn." he lent his arm on the wall beside me.

"Why do you keep bothering me. Their are plenty of other women to harass in New York." I spat at him and tried to leave but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into him.

"because your the only one worth anything." he moved his face closer to mine but I backed up.

"Leave me alone Spot." I shoved him away looking to leave.

"What if I don't pretty."

"Leave Spot." I sighed. I raised my fist as he wouldn't leave.

"You want to try that?" he snarled.

Suddenly two of his gang members appeared behind me, I stepped away from them when they tried to grab me, "Get off me!" I yelled, kicking at them as one swung, I ducked but the second punched me in the jaw. I fell to the ground before jumping up stepping back but Spot behind me grabbed my arms and pushed me down in front of him. He brought up his fist and punched me again in the face next to my eye. Suddenly I was kicked in the stomach and then again in the arms. I stood up and swung at one of the taller guys hitting them in the face making them fall back, I took the opportunity and started running back from them, Spot smiled at me as if he did a good thing. I stumbled away from them, sprinting to the lodging house.

I reached the doors to the house, hearing the guys talking inside and flew them open, falling into the building. Their was suddenly a lot of shouting and I was scooped into a hug from someone. I felt the soft fabric of a shirt then looked up and saw Race looking down at my bruisede body terrified. He took me to a bed and gently laid me down on it, I sat up wincing at my stomach as race grabbed my bruised hand and held it looking at me sadly.

All the guys watched me and scanned all the visible marks left on my body, "What happened?" Race whispered to me.

"Spot a-and his gang." I sighed, resting my head in my hands. None of them knew about how Spot Conlon would come talk to me.

"What?!" they all erupted in anger.

"I-it's fine... he does this every day just... not this much." All their mouths opened in shock and Race pulled me into a tight hug, not letting go.

"Why didn't you tell us? We could have stopped this all by now." Albert asked.

I looked around to make sure Jack wasn't in the room, it was just Race, Specs, Albert, finch and Elmer. "I dealt with it most of the time but today he had some of his gang. I'm fine." I went to stand but flinched at my bruised stomach.

Suddenly the door opening and I looked up at Jack walking in smiling. His smile immediately faltered when he saw me with a bruised face and tired eyes, "What the HELL happened?" he spoke through gritted teeth.

I sighed and looked down, "Nothing..."

He pushed Albert and Specs away to get down to me, "Who did this?" he asked.

"No one." I looked anywhere but him.

"Spot Conlon and two of his gang." Race answered for me.

I could see the anger building up inside of Jack, before he sighed and calmed down, "Are you ok?" he asked.

"Yeah." I nodded, still in Race's hug.

"Ok... well let's get some food and you can sleep." he smiled.


I was on the roof, away from Jack worrying over me and the loud boys running around. My head still hurt as I held it in my hands, rubbing my eyes as I shivered in the cold air. As I sat their, I heard someone climbing up to the roof behind me but expected Jack or Crutchie.

I looked back and saw... Race?

"What are you doing up here?" I asked with a slight laugh.

"Came to check up on yous. How ya doin'?" he sat next to me and I looked down at the floor again.

"Not bad..." I sighed.

We sat there in a comfortable silence for a few minuets, my heart raced in my chest as we sat their in silence. I felt his hand rub over my back until it went down my arm and Race gently grabbed my hand. I looked up at him confused when He took my other hand and he took my body, standing me up and we stood at the railing.

"Race?" I asked, watching his eyes sparkle as he looked into my e/c eyes.

His hands moved to my face, he held my cheeks in his palms and he watched my lips open slightly. He moved his face to mine, my cheeks covered in a red dust that made him smile.

Our lips connected.

They danced over each other in a perfect soft kiss that lasted a few seconds. We pulled apart and I stared at him, "Wha-what?" I asked in a whisper.

"I, think your perfect Y/n." he smiled at me, his cigar in his left hand that was still on my cheek.

We stood staring at each other for a moment when I looked up at his bright blue eyes, "What does this mean?" I asked.

"Whatever you want." he watched my brain buzz in my skull.

I smiled at him and he smiled back, I nodded and his eyes lit up, "Really?!" he started to bounce on his feet.

"Let's head downstairs." I said and he nodded at me. Race took my hands and we climbed down from the roof.

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