Chapter 3

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We're all heading to the clinic and we see that their up and talking to each other. I think Tony said something to Sierra to make her laugh. They're so cute.

Mary: Good morning you three.
T&S: Good morning
Mary: How'd you guys sleep?
Tony: We slept good. Right Sisi and Titi?
Tiana: *giggles and claps*
Sierra: Yeah. Thank you for letting us stay the night.
Tony: yeah. We really appreciate it.
Mary: aww guys it's no problem.
Sierra: Hey where's Batwoman?
Ryan: Right here. At your service.
Sierra: Your Batwoman?!
Ryan: *smiles* yup.
Sierra: Wowwwww. You're so pretty!!
Ryan: Aww thank you.
Tony: for real? Your Batwoman?
Ryan: Um yeah man.
Tony: Damn, you beautiful!
Ryan: *smiles* oh. Thank you.
Tony: But prove it. What happened last night?
Ryan: you and your sister were held by two criminals at a 7-eleven store. I told your sister to wait in a box until everything was done. And to top it all off, I saw you knocked out the guy with a fire extinguisher.
Tony: Oh shoot. You are Batwoman. Could've hold off that last part tho. *laughs nervously*
Ryan: that was the best part man. And you were helping. Which I appreciate. Just don't do it again.
Tony: yess ? What's your name?
Ryan: I'm Ryan.
Tony: Ryan. Not be rude or anything, but who's the dude and the two lovely ladies?
Ryan: they are my team. This is Luke,
Luke: Also known as Batwing.
Tony: Wait. Your Batwing?!
Luke: Yeah
Tony: Yoooo. Im a huge fan man.
Luke: Really?
Tony: Yeah!!! I love your suit. It's fire.
Luke: Thank you. I appreciate it man. *daps him*
Tony: *daps him right back*
Ryan: Awwwww look at that. You got a fan.
Luke: Shut up!
Ryan: *giggles* this is my best friend Mary Hamilton who was your doctor last night.
Sierra: thank you for taking care of me. you're really pretty.
Mary: awww thank you and it's no problem sweetie. Ryan: And saving the best for last, this beauty that's right next to me is my wife Sophie Moore-Wilder

As I said her name, Tiana looks at her and raises her two hands towards Sophie.

Sophie: oh....
Tony: It's okay. She seems to like you.
Sophie: *picks her up from Tony* Good morning cutie. How did you sleep?
Tiana: *smiles and hides her face with her hands*
Ryan: looks like someone has a crush on you Sophie.
Tony: That's your wife?
Ryan: *smiles proudly* yes she is.
Tony: *nods* respect *fists bumps* she's hot.
Ryan: *smirks while she fists bumps him* aye back off. She's mine.
Tony: *laughs and put his hands up* had to state the facts. *smiles* eres hermosa sophia
Sophie: *raises eyebrows and laughs*
Ryan: uh uh. You not bout to charm and talk Spanish to my lady. Only I can do that. Even though I can't speak Spanish.

*Everyone laughs*

Mary: you two are just full of compliments today.
Tony: we get it from our parents. We grew up with manners and how to talk to people.
Ryan: well now we know where you two get it from.
Tony: The ladies love it. *smirks*
Ryan: *smirks* mhmmm I'm sure they do. So guys listen, we are here because we wanted to make sure that you guys were okay and that we want to take you three to a Diner for breakfast. So we're going to let you two freshen up. Let you guys shower and get ready and then we're going to head out okay?
Tony: Aye, y'all don't have to do that. We not charity cases.
Ryan: we know that. We just want to help you. That's all. I've been in you guys shoes before. I've grown up in the foster system. No one wanted me until a beautiful great woman decided to adopt me at 14. Then, when everything was getting good, a few years later she passed away.
Tony: I'm so sorry.
Ryan: Thank you. Then afterwards I lived in a van. Same as yours. I have a long story for all of that and for how I found the suit, but those are stories for another day. Look, what I'm saying is I want to help. Right now, we have a community center that you three can go to and it's beautiful. I wished I had that as a kid. Please. Let us help you.
Tony: *looks at Sierra* what you think?
Sierra: let them help us. They're nice. And plus *whispers* I want to hang out with Batwoman.
Tony: *chuckles* Sisi she can hear you.
Sierra: *looks at Ryan and see that she's looking at her smiling so she hides her face*
Tony: Alright. Tiana?
Ryan: she's too busy blushing in front of Sophie.
Sophie: *laughs* if anything, Ryan and I can give her a bath and cloth her.
Tony: Thank you. And don't worry, we'll keep your identities a secret. Right Sisi?
Sierra: Right. Your name is Ryan. And your Batwoman when your in the suit. Got it.
Tony: Yeah. You guys are cool people. I'll let you guys help us.
Ryan: Thank you. Now, if you need clothes Luke has extra clothes for you and Mary has clothes for Sierra.
Tony: Thank you.
Ryan: No problem. Now, come on. Let's go.

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