Chapter 1

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Ryan's POV
As I'm in the bat cave with Luke, Mary and Sophie, We're all looking at security cameras throughout Gotham to see if anyone needs our help. And so far we haven't seen anyone yet.

Ryan: Found something Luke?
Luke: I haven't seen anyone as of right now that may need our help.
Ryan: are you sure Luke? Because I don't want to rest tonight until I see at least someone that needs our help.
Luke: I'll look a little more.
Mary: I'll look too.

Sophie pulled me to the side to talk to me and asked me.....

Sophie: Is everything okay?
Ryan: of course Soph. It's just..........something tells me that someone is in trouble. And I want to make sure that I'm there to protect them.
Sophie: *nods* okay

Luke: Found someone! Come quick!

We sped walked towards the screens to hear what Luke had found.

Luke: There's two people plus the store owner that's being held at gun point in a 7-Eleven store.

I remember that store.

Ryan: I remember that store. That was the same store that I was in when I got arrested falsely for holding up a robbery a few years back. Damn.
Mary: Full Circle huh?
Ryan: Yeah. Let me suit up quickly. Has he hurt anyone yet?
Luke: Not right now. He's waiting on someone it look like. He's just pacing back and forth with a gun.
Ryan: And the store owner?
Luke: he's with the other two people.
Ryan: Okay.

I got this. Although it will scare me a bit for going back to that same store, I'm Batwoman for a reason. I went to my room to change. A few minutes later, I'm all suit up and ready to go.

Ryan: Alright. I'm ready.
Luke: Want me to suit up or have Sophie go with you?
Ryan: I got this.
Luke: Are you sure? Cause the moment something happens...
Ryan: I got this Luke. You guys just work the comms.
Sophie: Please be careful. *gives her a peck on her cheek*
Ryan: *looks at her and smile while she nods*
Mary: Good luck out there Ryan. We'll see you when you get back.
Ryan: *nods* see you guys soon.

I headed to the batmobile, opened the door, went inside and drove off.

~20 minutes later~

Luke: Batcave to Batwoman. You there?
Ryan: Batwoman to Batcave. Im here. You think you can figure out if there's another way to get in besides the front door?
Luke: I can check. *typing on the keyboards* ummmmm......there's a back door. Can you pry open the doors?
Ryan: Yes. I have my weapons. I'll let you know when I'm in.
Luke: Copy that.

Luke: Isn't it surprising that she wanted to go there by herself?
Mary: I mean not really. She did get arrested wrongfully for holding up a robbery. Not to mention touching a fire arm that had her prints on it when really she was trying to stop the guys. She probably wanted to handle it on her own this time. With the bat suit on.
Sophie: I was just thinking that. Now I'm honestly feeling really bad right now because of the fact that I was the one that interrogated her when she was taken into custody.


~Ends Flashback~


Sophie: *shakes her head* hmmm?
Mary: You okay?
Sophie: *nods her head* yeah
Mary: No your not. Come on.
Sophie: I just feel so guilty. I mean I was the one who interrogated her, and didn't even believed her until one of the guys came in and said that she was telling the truth.
Mary: I'm sure she's already forgiven you for that Sophie. She wouldn't have married you if she didn't.
Sophie: *laughs* I know. I should talk to her when she comes back. Because usually I'd ride in the batmobile with her. But I guess this one really hit close for her.

Batwoman: Adopting ?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن