Part 5: [One-Night Stand]

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1:47 PM, 27th May, 1995

At the café, Tony was drinking his coffee with Leo, the city's doctor who worked in the Bleeding Stitch Clinic. Leo was having a lunch break after sorting out some stuff who got stabbed in some dank alleyway. Tony was just done with his curry lunch and planned to do something else in his free time.

Tony and Leo were having a conversation about recent events and how they dealt with them.

Tony: Thankfully, I managed to wrap up my arm with gauze after one of the little bastards bit me and sunk his fangs into me. I was lucky to not need a blood pack if it went much worse than it did.

Leo: Yeah, I get it, Tony; you can bandage up your bite wound out from a first aid kit. That's wonderful(!)

Tony: Christ, what's the point in havin' a conversation with ya if you're just gonna be pissy with me most of the time?

Leo: Well Tony, we're barely good friends. [sips his tea] Don't get me wrong, I like chatting with someone who isn't dead or bleeding out, but I hardly see anything that we can relate to.

Tony: I don't need to relate to ya, I just want to talk to someone who isn't a complete dickhead while my mates are off delivering some firearms over to Cambodia.

Leo: Or... you're talking to me, because Dutch put you on a week suspension leave after that stunt with Bao and what happened to one of the twins. And since they've gone without you, I'm one of the only closest friends you've got.

Tony: [sighs] Yep... You got me there, Leo. Clever bastard... [sips his coffee]

It was true: After Tony got a little overemotional with Gretel's death and almost killed Bao over a misunderstanding, Dutch gave him a week suspension with full pay so that he can clear his head up and eventually get back to work once he was mentally prepared again. Revy had even went on the job with the crew, leaving Tony by himself in Roanapur. She didn't want to leave him behind, but she had to. It was probably for the better.

Tony: Anyway, Dutch told me that you did a good job patchin' up Bao after that time I beat him up and smashed a bottle right at his fuckin' head. How'd it go, Leo?

Leo: [shrugs] Eh, it went okay. Bao kept on whinging about you always being a pain in his ass, so I gave him some painkillers after stitching his open cuts and cleaning his wounds. Bao's gonna have some scars, but he'll be fine.

Tony: Even though I nearly beaten the cunt to death, I don't regret leaving him scarred for life for opening his mouth at the wrong times.

Leo: That's why I don't drink in bars in this damn city, especially at night. Way too many violent crooks and uptight thugs who think they're hot shit. Apart from that, Bao's a complete dummkopf.

Tony: [chuckles] Tell me about it.

Tony noticed that Leo kept shifting his eyes over to one of the waitresses at one of the tables. The Thai woman was cleaning the table from scraps of food with a cloth. She was quite the looker, probably about mid 20s, short black hair and had a smooth, tan complexion.

Tony: So, you gonna ask her out or what, man?

Leo: Huh? What're you talking about?

Tony: That bloody waitress you've been staring at. Either you ask her out or just wank over her. Choice is yours.

Tony then drank the rest of his coffee, finally finishing his lunch.

Tony: I should get goin', Leo. Even though I'm on suspension, I still gotta do somethin' around this shithole, like gettin' drunk or gamblin' some of my reward money away.

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