Author's Note

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Author's Note

*If you want to skip my Author's Note, you can scroll down for trigger warnings.*

Welcome! Thanks for checking out my story! I'm pretty new to the Wattpad community, so please say hello! I appreciate gently worded constructive criticism. I've requested that text to speech be added to the story, so it should be available soon!

I wrote this story as a part of the Open Novella Contest 2022 and it is completed with a word count of about 40,000. Thank you again for reading and please let me know what you think! I plan to edit and expand the story in the future. If you're interested in providing feedback as a beta reader, let me know! Otherwise, I really do appreciate constructive criticism in the comments.

The main character of the story and narrator, Wyn, is nonbinary, sometimes presents as feminine, and will eventually use he/they pronouns. As the story begins, Wyn is just starting to question his gender and figure out their identity. Though the story is predominantly a supernatural fantasy, Wyn's gender is an important part of his character.

*Trigger Warning: Chapter Six contains a brief mention of suicide / suicidal thoughts. It's not graphic, but I thought it worth mentioning up front.

If you read the story and think there's something else that needs a trigger warning, please do not hesitate to let me know.

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