Night One

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You wake up to your sidearm falling to the floor, picking it up and putting back on the bedside drawers you get ready for work. Eyepatch, check, contact lens, check, clean teeth, check, brushed hair and cup of coffee, check, and you're ready to go. Holstering your pistol into your belt you grab your car and house keys and leave, you turn around to remind Alex to lock the front door but realize he doesn't live with you anymore.
Driving to the new anime convention you notice new shops opening up on the way, the same coffee shop, a new diner, and a new bar. They look nice but you need to stay focussed if you want to get there early. Upon arrival you find the door to be unlocked, you walk in and lock it behind you, you may not have the door keys but you do know how to turn a lock. You walk around checking the place out, you find Mangle... well mangled, she looks up at you and tries to speak but an ear killing screech get let out instead. Covering your ears the animatronic gets the hint and stops laying her head back on the floor.
Y/N: What did they do to you?
You gently pet the backside of her head before leaving to go find out why the door was unlocked. Checking the prize counter you knock on the gift box where the puppet should be.
???: The puppet doesn't like to be woken up~.
You turn around and give a cold glare at the new BB animatronic. It looks too realistic but brush it off.
Y/N: You must be BB.
BB: Yup! Oh great you woke up Mari!
Puppet: *YAWN* What do you wa- 'sup Y/N. Glad you're back.
Y/N: I see you've been... changed.
You notice that she has more stripes and her larger bust
BB: You two know each other?!
Puppet: You like.~
Y/N: No I just find it weird, I'm not one to find silicone tits attractive. Anyways, have you seen anyone enter the building recently?
Puppet: Yeah the two engineers came in an hour or two ago.
Y/N: Do you know why?
Puppet: Probably to fuck the others again.
Y/N: Well, another two bites the dust.
Puppet: They deserve it.
Y/N: Let's hope it's an easy cleanup.
Puppet: Try not to die.
BB: Hey! Are you just going to ignore me?!
Both of you: Yup.
You walk towards parts and service and feel as if you're being watched. Brushing it off you reach the door. You hear grunts and stuff banging against the wall. You kick the door in (which is the direction it opens luckily) to see the two engineers trying to pry the closet door open.
Engineer 1: Who are you?!
Y/N: The night guard.
Engineer 1: Well new guy! You think you can help us get this door open? It just appeared when we got here.
Engineer 2: Yeah, we need to figure out what's behind it.
You draw your sidearm and keep a firm grip around it as you keep it to your side.
Y/N: I wouldn't try to open that door if I were you. Don't. Pull. A. Jane.
Engineer 2:Woah woah! Buddy relax! We just want to open the door! Who the hell is Jane.
Y/N: If you don't want to be six feet deep. Don't make me repeat myself.
Engineer 1: But! What if their's spare parts in there?
Y/N: Too bad.
Watching the first engineer grab a wrench closest to him you aim your pistol directly at there heads.
Y/N: So be it.
You pull the trigger killing the first engineer, and then the second engineer faces the same fate. You drag the bodies away and stuff them into duffle bags. You walk to your car, throwing them in your trunk and dusting your hands off. Walking back inside you feel eyes stair daggers into you, you ignore it and walk back into parts and service to see the old animatronics happily conversing. Some try to talk to you but you just ignore it and continue on.
You find some cleaning supplies and clean up the blood and when you're done you toss it all away. Feeling a pair of arms wrap around you, you feel tears come down your face remembering what Jane did to you and Alex. Prying the arms off and pushing the yellow animatronic away you storm out of parts and service upset and trying to calm yourself down wiping the tears away as you go.
Walking into your new office to find a destroyed Freddy mask. You pick it up realizing this could come out of your pay. You tape it up with what you could find in a desk drawer. Checking your watch you see it's currently 3:00 before sitting down. Picking up the new tablet you check around the convention center to see two of the new models missing.
Y/N: Great.
You press through the cameras to see Toy Bonnie in party room 1 in a very... provocative pose. You also check around to see Toy Chica in party room 4 in a different but still alluring pose showing off her rather large breats. You ignore it and put the tablet down closing your eyes. Hearing a scraping noise to your left you open your eyes, and get up to turn on the vent lights. Turning them on you see Toy Chica smiling right at you. You grab the scruff of her neck and drag her out of the vents and stand her up. Searching your desk you find a lint roller and begin rolling off all of the dust off the chicken animatronic's outfit as she stands their with a bright glow coming from her face.
T. Chica: W-W-What a-are you d-doing?
Y/N: Dusting you off, you climbing through the vents messed up your outfit and now it's all dusty. Good job by the way I thought your ass was too fat to fit down their.
T. Chica: H-Hey! I'm n-not fat!
You give her a "we both know that's bullshit" look as she glows even brighter.
T. Chica: F-Fine!
Finishing the dusting your straighten out her uniform before putting away the lint roller and sitting down. You watch as she sits on the desk in front of you trying to lure you in... poorly.
Y/N: Yeah, nice try. I have higher standards than an animatronic who's boobs are bigger than her head.
T. Chica: At least I'm trying!
Y/N: You look like a hooters waiter by the way.
T. Chica: Oh you son of a-
As she stands you get up fast than her and straighten yourself out revealing you to be significantly taller than her... yet you're shorter than your younger brother...
Y/N: You were saying chicken shit?
T. Chica: I-I w-well u-u-ummm.
Sitting back down you take a deep breath and calm yourself down. Checking your watch you see you have an hour left.
Y/M: Don't try anything or you'll be looking like the older models.
You hear a simulated gulp before tipping the bill of your hat down and close your eyes drifting off.
After falling asleep you wake up to feel Mangle's head resting on your lap.
Y/N: Are you okay?
She just produces static as a result of trying to speak as she gets up.
Y/N: I doubted it.
You check your watch to see it's currently 7:30.
Y/N: I'll be back later.
You watch as she struggles to wave good bye. You walk past the stage to see the new cast in their proper places except with eyes that avoided you at all cost. You shrug it off and exit the building to find Henry fidgeting with his keys.
Henry: Oh! I thought you left already?
Y/N: I had to make sure the engineers did their jobs.
Henry: No worries! I know they may be slackers but damn do they work hard when they do!
Y/N: You're too nice.
Henry: I hear that a-lot!
You leave him to his arrogance and step in your car to drive to where you need to dispose of the bodies.

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