Chapter 48

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   My whole body froze. I couldn't move, couldn't breath, couldn't think- what had I done? There she was, lying completely motionless, and I couldn't so much as open my mouth. I had done a terrible, terrible thing.
  I leapt down from my horse, my body screaming and jarring with pain. My knees threatened to buckle, but I made myself push on.
   I took her from him, and Peter was quick to jump down behind me. I crouched beside her, studying her colourless face.
   "I tell you, I must have paced that road five times before I found her-"
I leaned over her, taking the brunt of the rain. She was already soaked through to her skin, as was I. She shivered as if she had no strength left to resist it, her whole body trembling.
"I was just tired," I sobbed into her sodden hair, "oh, Josie, I didn't mean it- I didn't mean it- I'm so sorry- I'm sorry-"
She kept hold of my jumper, her breaths rapid and tearful. Her grip on me only tightened, her hands digging into my shoulder and chest. I held her close as her body shook. Water poured from her clothing, squelching underneath my fingertips. She was freezing to the touch.
I pulled back, and threw my own coat around her, rubbing her arms frantically. Her lips were blue and her face was grey.
"We need to get her inside- she's so cold," I said to Peter, "have you got any blankets, or a coat or something?"
"Here," he passed me woollen blanket from the horse's stall, "it's clean."
I wrapped that around her too, and scooped her up. Her body was limp, and it was as if she couldn't find the strength to hold her head up. To hold on, even.
"Hey, you stay with me, you here?" I tried to rouse her, "come on, stay awake."
She didn't make a noise, and the only movement she made was the shallow rise and fall of her chest. Something told me that she didn't have long, unless I managed to get her inside.
I took her across the yard, Peter following closely. We went down the lane, the rain beating against our faces, drawing our hair into our eyes. She trembled in my arms more violently with every passing second. I held onto her, trying to sooth her with mere words.
"Come on, we're almost there," I said, taking her up the front steps. I kicked the door open, pushing it aside with my shoulder, " Jack! I've got her!"
And with a clatter, Jack and Rose appeared in the kitchen doorway.

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