Chapter 17

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   I awoke to pain so unbearable that I pleaded with death to claim me. If nothing else, it would offer me release from the suffering I endured. Every muscle ached, and each breath felt insufficient. The pain flared across my body with each breath, each heartbeat, and I knew it would not be long until I met my end.
   I only wished I had been able to say goodbye to Jack and mamma.
   My senses widened from the narrow attention I paid to my injuries. I realised I was no longer on the damp grass beneath the trees, but being carried by someone with an irregular gait.
   I realised I was staring up at a sky dashed with reds and golds, and night drew near. Whoever was carrying me planned to get me inside before nightfall.
I rolled my eyes over to the person carrying me. Looking ahead with stern steadiness, was Nick.
His face was strangely drawn, and lacked colour. My eyes drifted to his shoulder. It was smeared in blood, his shirt torn. I tried not to stare, but the shock wouldn't let my eyes leave the spot.
He had taken a bullet, survived, and somehow carried me across the land to find help when he needed it himself.
I tried to speak, but I knew it required too much energy. Instead, I had to aim for the horizon, and pray that sleep would claim me once more.
I grew hazy once more, and with each step plain reverberated through my body. Every muscle grew limper and limper until I no longer had the strength to keep my eyes open.
I slipped back into the warm wave of sleep that I had emerge from, and prayed that this time, the pain would end.

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