Chapter 14

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The Hockley Estate

As Jack and Rose made their way up the drive of Hockley Estate, Rose tried to ignore the growing nausea that plagued her. Each step brought her closer to the man she feared most, she realised, and even Jack might not be safe from Cal's wrath.
   Jack squeezed her hand, and she offered him a tight-lipped smile. He sensed her hesitation as they neared the house, "I thought you said he was a Pittsburgh Steel Tycoon?"
   "He has this estate in Philadelphia too. It's how mother arranged..." she paused, and took a breath, "I hope he's aged horrendously."
   Jack chuckled and pulled an arm around her shoulders, "well, not everyone can look as good as us. Besides, he was twice your age then- he must be nearing fifty now."
   "I can guarantee he's married a girl even younger than me," she chuckled as his shocked expression, "he's got... improper interest in young women and their virtue."
   "God," Jack shook his head, "he is a deeply disturbing man."
   Rose laughed again, "you know, many men in high society believe young women are preferable. Remember Madeline Astor?"
   "Of course, she was... "in a delicate condition" as you so kindly put it."
   Rose felt herself as much as ease as she could be, at least until she found herself staring up at the large face of the Hockley House.
   The brick exterior rose up towards the brooding sky, the spire on the roof trying desperately to pierce the sky. The greyed, caramel stonework stood stark against the glistening lawn. White shutters hung around each window, and the house was beautifully warped with an array of eclectic windows. Everything about the house screamed wealth and glory.
   The pair went up the front steps wordlessly, trying not to balk at the house in front of them. Rose had been inside it many times, yet it always made her feel the same. She would have lived in that house...
   They were greeted by a butler, grotesquely dressed in a suit so fine she could scarcely afford it with a lifetime's savings. Cal always had been one for frill and pomp.
   "Good evening, Miss Dewitt Bukater," he nodded curtly, "we were not expecting your..."
   "My husband," she hissed.
   "Really, Miss?" Something was mocking in his voice, "we have been misled."
   She ignored his uncouth mannerisms and went through to Cal's study without direction.
   Jack took her hand again, as if trying to give her his strength. They paused at the shut study door, the carved mahogany displaying an array of gargoyles and ghouls, and tried to gather their thoughts.
   Rose wiped her hands on her skirt and suppressed her trembling. She looked over at Jack for reassurance.
   She went pushed the door open, and slipped in. Jack followed closely, and followed suit as she strode towards the desk at the far end.
   Rose seated herself in the leather armchair to the left, and Jack took the right. They exchanged a look and turned to the man seated before them. 
   "Oh, so you are a whore to a gutter rat, that is interesting," Cal flicked his eyes between the two and  gave a sickening smile.
   Rose raised her chin, defiant, "rather be his whore than your wife," she drawled.
   He smirked, leaning onto the desk, "well, sweet pea, you'll find that you aren't anyone's wife."
   Rose blinked, and then matched his cool expression, "then I suppose the man beside me is a figment of my imagination?"
   "No, I see the vagrant."
   Jack clicked his jaw, but fought his anger. He couldn't afford to cause a scene. Rose remained still beside him, waiting for Cal to make his next move.
   "You'll find that there is no documentation on your marriage."
   Rose's eyes lit up with bright fire, "and I suppose you've been investigating me? Your manservants clearly don't know how to research if they can't find the wedding documents."
   Jack felt a cool panic wash over him. Something was wrong- deeply wrong. He should have married Rose immediately, and Cal was focusing on an obscure detail, unless-
   "Looks like you can still be my bride, sweet pea."
   Her eyes widened, and her hand found Jack's, "You'll be done for bigamy-"
   "Oh, a small price to pay."
   "Get fucked, Cal," Jack shot to his feet, and dragged Rose with him. They turned to run, Jack reaching for his gun, and Rose, the diamond. Rose shot forward, pulling Jack behind her, yet froze. Her heart leaped.
   "Harris, White, stop these fools," Cal cooed behind them.
   Jack saw two large men walk from their station by the door. He was certain they had not been there when they walked in, and he must not have seen them walk in.
   Rose snapped her head back around, "you can't kill us both. Our daughter knows where we are!"
   Rose felt two cruel hands grab at her, and she tried to pull free. As she struggled, her captor jabbed something sharp between her ribs. Not enough to pierce skin, but enough to bite. Rose gasped.
"Get your fucking hands off her," Jack tried to pull away from the man who held him back, a knife pressed to his throat. As Rose saw him, her eyes widened. 
   "Oh, Rose, you really are naive," he grinned, "I don't plan to kill you."
   "You're insane," she sobbed, and screamed as she saw Jack being removed from the room. He roared and fought, careless about the knife at his throat. If he was going to die regardless, he wouldn't go down silently.
   The door clicked shut behind him, and Rose's handler released her. She bolted to the door, clawing at it frantically. He fell to her knees, broken. She truly was a caged animal.
   He voice cracked, barely above a whisper, as she spoke, "you said you were interested in me... the diamond..."
   "Oh, people lie, Rose. Get used to it."
   "I've already had a child," she protested.
   "Had," he strode across the room, and watched the horror spread across Rose's face.
   "You bastard!" she screamed, "stay away from my child."
   He remained emotionless, "get up."
   "No." Despite her tear-swelled cheeks and red eyes, Rose remained bold. She would not be beaten down.
   Cal launched at her, pulling her upright by her hair. She let out a gasp, but didn't scream. She would not give him the satisfaction.
   He swore at her, using foul language, worse than she'd ever heard before. He sent a kick towards her stomach, knocking the air out from her, and she hit skirting painfully. She let out a sob.
   He kicked her, thrashing her so painfully she knew he could kill her if it wasn't for the promise of marriage.
   She would rather die.
   Death was better than living with Cal, without the two people she loved most. She couldn't accept that they were dead, but if they were...
   Cal continued his asult on her until the world grew dim.

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