[11]"Watch the begonias!"

Start from the beginning

Back on the goal post you and Pete were having a competition on who could hold on the longest. Dangling from the bar, you had been holding on for ten minutes already seeing as he had spider strength and you were part super soldier.

Getting bored you both decided to try and kick each other off instead but when that didn't work you settled on a different contest. Who could hang upside down the longest, though Pete clearly had an advantage here.

You got your feet into position and let go. His hair stood straight and his cheeks looked slightly flushed. You laughed at how silly it was and he laughed because you were.

"Y/n get down!" You heard Bucky shout.

You reluctantly unhooked your legs and dropped carefully to the floor. "Ha I win!" Celebrated Peter.

"You did not! I was forced to forefeit! Let's go to the treehouse I've got some cool stuff with me".

"Me to!" He replied grabbing his bags and running off through the trees.

It looked like two small sheds had been impaled by giant branches, with a long walkway between them and a zip line that lead out into the meadow.

You climbed up the ladder whilst Pete ran up the spiral staircase going around the trunk as his hands were full meeting at the top. It looked old from the outside but inside it was completely rainproof and the walls were covered in little paintings and handprints you'd both done over the years.

You both sat on beanbags either side a very short table took, off the helmet and started pulling stuff out your bags. Pete placed a toy helicopter he'd been carrying and then pulled out a camera to attach to it.

"We can spy on everyone!" He said excitedly and went back to pulling a frisbee and small black box out. Holding it at arms reach he pressed a button and it flicked open, turning into a bow.

"Ooh I've got mine to!" You said pulling out an identical black box. They had been a present from Clint last Christmas. "And we've already got some arrows on the other side! I'll go get them". You ran out the door and over the slightly wobbly bridge before entering a nearly identical room. Only this one was filled with books and a ginormous trunk. You opened it moving away the blankets to see it full of toys and rocks, or anything else you had found out here, before finding a handful of arrows hidden away.

You found Pete waiting on the bridge, "hey! Let's see how many we can hit before we run out. I'll get the ones on the left you get the ones on the right". You nodded and turned to face the targets scattered around, nailed to trees.

You pulled the string back narrowing your eyes and looking straight down the middle of the bow. With an exhale an arrow shot and landed in the tree right above a target. You did the same with the rest hitting some and completely missing others, as did Peter.

"That looks like a combined total of 37 points" you said. "Hey let's do it again but time ourselves to do it as fast as we can but with as many points as possible".

"Good idea! ok you get the arrows on the floor I'll get the ones in the trees" said Peter as he attached his webs and dislodged the first arrow.

You and Peter kept shooting arrows, "that's the best one yet" he jumped around excitedly, "20 arrows shot in 11 seconds with 52 points!" You jumped up to high five him.

Everyone else was sat chatting in the field. Tony laying on his side propped up on his arm wearing his signature sunglasses drinking from a cup through a straw, clearly very relaxed. Nat didn't look much different with her sun hat and drink laughing at the conversation.

"Last day before everyone goes home this week then" said Clint, starting a new conversation.

"That's right legolas" joked Tony, "no missions planned for next week so hopefully we won't get an emergency one".

It was music to everyone's ears, they loved a mission free week. After a few moments of peace a large cloud appeared out of now where. "What the hell" exclaimed Tony taking off his sunglasses.

A sudden bolt of lightening shot through the sky and into the ground, and with it appeared Thor. "Dammit point break!" Tony shouted "watch the Begonias!" He joked pointing to the slightly frazzled flowers.

"Sorry" Thor replied in a very cheery tone. "I heard you were having a picnic and I never miss a picnic"

And with that a duffel bag full of crisps was thrown at his head.
Ignoring the slightly aggressive act, he sat down with everyone and started eating.

You and Pete were still firing at targets but you'd started to have enough of this now. You put your stuff back in your bags and climbed down, remembering to put the helmet back on.

You walked over to everyone sat in the middle of the field on some blankets and saw Thor was there. "Thor, Thor!" You both shouted practically skipping over to him.
"Tiny Midguardians!" He jumped up embracing you both in a giant hug and threw you high in the air.

"Hey what's with the fancy hat? A big iron man fan are we?"

"No Tony's a big iron man fan" you said taking it off , "I jumped off the roof, fell through it, cracked my skull, had to have a metal plate put in and now I have to wear this Incase I fall again".

Thor admired it for a second before saying, "very brave! I like it, a true warrior". Everyone just gave an exasperated sigh and threw their arms up at the statement not wanting him to encourage you.

After being put down you asked, "Can we have lunch now I'm starving and it's basically twelve already? That counts as lunch".

"I agree" spoke Thor in his god voice making you chuckle.

Surprisingly everyone else agreed and started opening the bags. The crisps were emptied into a giant pile along with the other snacks and buck opened the sandwich box.

Steve was the first to get one, he put his hand in and paused. "Um.... Why is there jam on both sides of the bread".

Clint chuckled eating his secret packed lunch, "y/n and Pete made the lunch this morning, I also added some rolls in there too Incase we're still hungry".

"Well good job" said Steve, "next time the jam goes inside the bread so our hands won't get sticky". Everyone laughed but still grabbed some for themselves, Thor picked up lots completely unaffected.

For a while all that could be heard was the smacking of lips and the crinkle of crisp packets. Tony finished his food washing it down with his drink before talking, "despite the fact my hands are coated in jam they were actually very nice, thanks guys".

You and Pete smiled with mouths still full.

As everyone finished eating no one wanted to move. The sun shone bright, added with the full stomachs, it was nice to just relax. You looked over at Pete who had definitely fallen asleep judging by the open mouth.

After ten minutes of trying to throw leaves in his mouth you got up and walked over to the edge of the long grass.

The sound of crickets got stronger the closer you got, yet it's almost impossible to see any. There must be thousands but they hide in plain sight.

You stepped closer ignoring the itching on your legs, and sat down with green coming up to your shoulders.

The crickets stopped their noise for a moment until you stilled and they carried on their talk. The best thing about these fields are the butterflies that come to pollinate on the flowers. You'll never see this many colours flying around anywhere else.

Laying down flat you looked up to see mostly clear blue skies, with small clouds so thin you could barely see they were there.

The edges of your vision were filled with grass and flowers, and occasionally white and yellow flapping wings would fly over.

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