𝟭|𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗼𝗼𝗱𝘀

15 4 0

I was shaken awake by my twin sister Clara. My eyes focused and I looked around the treehouse. The windows have a great view of the outside. The fireplace once lit in a calm, comforting flame, now rests in embers. It's incredibly dark, eerily quiet, more so than usual. The only source of light allowing me to see is the candle in her hand.

"There is something...or someone down there making sounds."

I look up at her in confusion, lifting myself upright.

"What?" I ask in confusion.

I stand from the couch, walking over to the light switch to switch it on. It's not working. I turn back to my sister. She now sat on the warm, quilt-covered couch where I slept previously hugging her legs to her chest. The bravery and commitment she once had to staying the night here, no longer present.

I hear the noise that she awoken me in distress over. It causes a weird feeling to go through me, although I believe it's just an animal of some sort. I grab the bat my parents placed in the storage closet, and a lantern I lit so I can see. Before I could twist the handle, my sister grabs my shoulder causing me to jump a little.

"Be safe."

I nod in a promise of return, afraid of the state my voice may be in. I open the front aged wooden door, walked onto the balcony, slowly closing it behind me. I look up to see the sky filled with vibrant stars. It's a great contrast to the baleful forest surrounding the treehouse. I made my way down the balcony stairs expecting to see something horrifying, but instead, I see a glimpse of a boy.

We made eye contact for a second, but I couldn't really see him before he took off running towards the forest. I'm running after him, but he stopped once my last foot stepped inside, I stand where I am, not daring to walk any closer just yet. The forest seems to get darker the further you move in. His back still turned to me, I yell out.

"Why were you making noises near our treehouse? You scared my sister!" I scream enraged.

He slowly turned, and I'm in shock. It's me. Except for this version of me look's psychotic, crazy.

"To get you into the woods," it replies in a menacing tone.

I'm sorry Clara, I guess I won't be able to fulfill that promise. Take care of the treehouse for me. I hope somehow, someway, she can hear me.

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