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Alivia's POV

I grab Leia's car seat out of my car and put it in the uber they called. When they said that their house wasn't far from the restaurant, they weren't kidding. It only took about five minutes to get to their house. When I was driving to the restaurant, it took me at least 25 minutes.

Leia was still asleep in the car, but she could sleep through anything, so I wasn't worried about waking her up.

We were all wet because of the rain, so we hurried into the house, and man, it was huge. Way bigger than my small apartment.

"You and Leia can sleep in the guest room. I'll try to find you something to wear." Josh says as he disappears up the stairs.

Anthony shows me where the guest room is while holding Leia, and soon enough Josh comes back.

"Okay, I have this old shirt of mine along with some sweat pants that you can wear, but I didn't necessarily have anything for Leia. Do you think this random crop top I found could work?" Josh says.

"Yeah, it should. It will probably fit like a regular shirt on her anyway. Thank's again for letting us stay here, sorry dinner was a disaster."

"Don't worry about it. I should've known taking a four-year-old to a fancy restaurant late at night would be a bad idea. If anything, it's my fault."

He walks out of the room and I change Leia into the shirt. I would give her a bath, but I don't wanna risk waking her up and making her more grumpy than she already was. I'll just give her one in the morning.

I lay her down in the bed and cover her up with blankets. "Goodnight, Leia. Mommy love's you."

I, on the other hand, go into the bathroom and take a shower. I didn't have any shampoo with me, so I couldn't wash my hair, but I was lucky there was vanilla body wash.

The next morning

Josh's POV

I had woken up a bit earlier than usual, so I decided to get breakfast for everyone. I feel bad for yesterday. It was a complete disaster. It would be common sense to know a four-year-old wouldn't cooperate in a fancy restaurant late at night.

I order Ihop for everyone on doordash and while waiting for it, I decide to watch some tv downstairs. What I wasn't expecting, was for Alivia to already be down here.

"Shit! You scared me! What're you doing up so early?"

"Leia kept kicking me, so I decided to sleep on the couch,"

"With no blanket?"

"I had a jacket," She shrugs.

"I'm sorry," I look at her, not knowing what to say. "Um, well I ordered everyone breakfast from IHOP,"

"Really? Thanks, you didn't have to do that."

"It's the least I could do to make up for yesterday," I sit on the couch with her, grabbing the remote. "Wanna watch something?"

"Yeah, sure," she responds, and I go to Netflix, turning on Glee. I remember that she used to love that show when we were younger.

"Oh my gosh, Glee! I haven't watched that show in ages!" she says excitedly, and a small smile forms on my face.

We decided to start over from episode one since it's been so long since we've watched it. Not too long after the episode started, Leia came running into the room.

"Mommy!" she said, climbing onto the couch and into Alivia's embrace.

"Hey, Leia. How'd you sleep?" Alivia asked, brushing the hair out of Leia's face and planting a light kiss on the small girl's forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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