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Alivia's POV

Me and Leia were in the car on the way to take some Instagram pics.

We get to the locations and start taking pictures. It didn't take that long and Leia was starting to get fussy.

She didn't sleep a lot last night because she was having nightmares.

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Its..alivia don't we look cute🥰

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As we were heading back to the car, I got a call from Kourtney.

"Hey, do you mind picking the boys up from school? I got caught up at work." Kourtney's voice came through the phone.

"Yeah, sure. I'm on my way there now. Leia and I were just taking some pics."

"Thank you so much. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"No problem. Bye."


I drove to the boys school and picked them up.

"Auntie Alivia!" They both said simultaneously.

"Hey boys. Why don't you get buckled in.You hungry?"

"Yeah." They all said.

I went and got them all McDonald's and we all went to my house to eat. The boys stayed there till about 7 o'clock, then Kourtney came to pick them up.

I was about to give Leia a bath when I realized I should do a night time routine.

"Hey, Leia. Do you wanna do a nighttime routine with mommy?" I ask her.

"Yeah!" She squeals then comes over to me. I got my phone out and began vlogging.

"Hey, and welcome back to our channel!" Leia and I say simultaneously. "Tonight I decided we should do a night routing. What do you think, Leia?" I look down at her (who I was carrying on my hip).

"Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" She says, eagerly nodding her head.

I tell the camera I'm gonna give her a bath but decide not to record it.

After her bath I put her in her night clothes and begin filming again.

"Alright, so not that we're done with that, it's time for dinner. Usually if we're having something that could potentially be messy I'll let her eat before bath time, but tonight's dinner is really simple."

I put some cartoons on for her and walk to the kitchen to start filming. "Okay, guys. So for Leia, she's gonna have some Mac and cheese with French fries. I don't really know why I'm gonna eat yet though." I make the food and give it to her. I put her to bed and that's when Bri gets here.

"Heyy," I say.

"Hii," she comes over and hugs me. "I'm gonna order Uber eats. You want anything?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Okay," she goes and orders the food while I wrap up the vlog.

AN: GUYS I'm so so SO sorry for not updating. I had really bad writers block but I'm back!! What do you thinks gonna happen w/ josh and alivia??? Lmk!!
Also, sorry this is so short😬

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