06 • Football

342 11 4

Friday, August 21st

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Friday, August 21st.



"No what I haven't even asked anything."

"No I'm not letting you copy my work. Try the problems first stop being lazy."

"Go to hell." And he gave me a glare.

I just rolled my eyes.

A lot has happened in a week. Aidens grades are steady they could be better if he would just put that stupid phone down during class.

Everyone was so shocked when they saw us waking together. Since they basically know we hate each other's guts.

Reminds me of a time where we had a mini food fight in lunch our freshman year. In my defense it's when he started acting different and I just couldn't stand to see his face so I threw my pizza. Seeing it all over his face and his white shirt made the $1.50 worth it.

But of course the way he is he threw his pasta.

But when Olivia found out and well she didn't take the news ok. Im sure she hates me more than ever now she might even throw her pizza at me one of these days.

Feeling is mutual though. Which is fine I don't need her validation.

The bell rang and everyone rushed to leave the classroom for lunch.

As I'm walking I hear a bunch of kids talking about the schools first football game tonight. It's going to be a home game.

Right. And I have to be there. Not because of Aiden I just have to take pictures for the school yearbook and website.

Mrs. Yoon was impressed with my photography skills she asked me to take pictures at every school event.

I didn't have the heart to tell her no, but it's worth the experience. I guess.

"Hey Sara!! Wait it's ok if I call you that right?" I stop in my tracks and turn around to see it was Luna.

Right me and her sit near each other in some classes. She started talking to me not too long ago.

"Oh hey, and don't worry I don't mind." I smile as she walks up to me.

"Where's Olivia and Emily? Are you not going to hang out with them?" I look around.

"They're getting ready for the football game together. You know cheer things."

I nodded.

"Also the thing I was here for. Mrs Yoon wanted me to ask if you can come help with the posters."

"Oh yeah sure, right now?" I don't have nothing else to do. Might as well.

"Yay we really were low on people Im glad you said yes." She smiled and locked her arm with my and dragged me to the gym.

A Letter To Myselfحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن