The memory of being trapped in the cabin as the fire got closer; It was the day my dad died. Died to the infected bride. Her laugh still echoes in my ears. I got up weakly and wore my outfit before grabbing my blade and heading towards the giant wall that surrounded the camp.

There were four gates that were around. I randomly ran towards one where I met up with Sohan, who was busy shooting off the infected that managed to bypass the mounted mini guns and entered the camp. Once he saw me, he grunted a bit before killing off one infected.

"You shouldn't be here Twinkle toes," he said coldly as I frowned gently while looking up at him. He was damn tall... six foot five inches probably... I was five five.

"You still need to recover. And I don't need dead weight around me," he said yet again as I looked at the bodies of infected and soldiers on the ground.

"You have few soldiers left here... you need help," I shouted as he looked at me and made a tsk sound again.

"I'll manage."

"No you won't.. huh? Look out!!" I shouted as a giant rodent-like infected burst into the defense.

It jumped and devoured two soldiers that weren't quick enough to react before running in our direction. It was fast. Faster than I expected. As it got closer, it jumped towards Sohan, who turned around and faced it.

Just then, I ran towards a nearby broken car and hopped on it before going for a backflip as I used the car as a boost. I flew over Sohan and landed my blade on the infected head, piercing it deeply as I crashed down with it on the ground. I held my side gently, spitting out the blood that came out of my mouth before looking at Sohan with a determined look that caught him off guard.

"I.... want to help...." I said in between breaths, as a drop of sweat formed at his cheek.

"Tsk! If you die, it's all on you," he said as he grabbed his grenade launcher and faced the infected that were slowly rushing in. The mini guns were mowing down what they could.

"I'll....I'll take my chances..." I replied as I stood up and held my blade tighter while looking at the infected.

The battle lasted four hours. Slashing, shooting, and exploding was going on within the time. But finally, it had ended. I sliced off the last infected, breathing heavily as I looked to my left. The soldiers here had been reduced to like 10. There were more here. The bodies on the ground reeked with blood as I held the blade gently and held my side. The wounds had opened again, because of my careless movements but I would survive. As I made my way weekly toward the rest of the group, I felt something grab onto my hand.

Turning around, I saw an infected pulling at me. Still in shock, it growled and bit my hand causing me to groan in pain. I sliced at it and pierced his head before grunting gently as I felt the virus of the infected spread in my hand. I quickly pulled out the bandage I had in my pocket and covered up the bite mark before taking a gentle breath to calm myself down.

"Fuck.... I was careless..." I muttered till Sohan came towards me.

"Soulen. Nice work.... Soulen?" He called out as I blinked and adjusted myself.

"Y-yeah??" I said, stammering a bit as he came closer.

"You okay?" He asked with a rather curious look which made me even more aware of the problem I was in.

"My....uh..... wounds are opened again..." I lied. Well, technically I wasn't lying. The wounds from the outpost had opened up again. But I couldn't say I got bitten by the infected.

His expression changed almost instantly as he heaved a sigh and gave me this sort of pity look.

"I told you it would be dangerous. C'mom, lemme get you to the camp quickly so we can patch it up." He said as I nodded gently. I needed to leave....
....Before I turned into an infected....

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