“W-will you b-be there-e?” I asked. I found comfort in him for some reason. Maybe because he was the first person in a while to show me kindness. He got up and held out his hand. I was confused at first until I understood. I grabbed his hand and he helped me stand up. My legs shook for a while, adjusting to my weight. He waited for me to get ready. 

We walked for a while, noticing the mess that was made earlier. I chose not to worry about it. I looked outside to the window and saw it was night. 

“W-what time is it?” I asked my savior. 

“Oh,” he checked his phone. “It’s 9:36 pm.” He smiled at me and I felt myself blush. 

What’s wrong with me?

We reached the front door of the house. I stopped for a moment. I haven’t left this house in months. I breathed in and out. I guess my savior saw me worried because he put his hands on my shoulder softly. 

“It’s okay Mark. I’ll make sure nothing bad happens to you. That horrible man is gone. He won’t hurt you. I promise I’ll Protect You.”

I stood at the door. I looked outside and saw police officers looking around the area. The light from the police cruisers flashed onto the house and the surrounding houses. I saw neighbors looking into the house to see what’s happening. I cowered in fear. We walked outside step by step. 

Upon reaching outside, I saw reporters who were talking into the camera. 

“Mark Hudson, who’s been missing for three months, has finally been found. The man who kidnapped him is in questioning- THERE’S MARK!” The reporter said. I made eye contact with them and hid behind my savior. Now that I think about it, I didn’t know my savior’s name. 

“Please step away from him!” He screamed at them as they got closer. They stepped back and my savior led me through the crowd which had gathered to see me. Police officers guarded me making sure I was safe. 

We reached an area on the street that was blocked off. Police tape surrounded the area. I shivered as the night wind blew around me. I welcomed it. It was a sign that I was free. My savior saw me shivering and handed me his jacket. I stared at the jacket. I guess he saw that I didn’t know what he was doing so he put it over my shoulders. I felt the warmth encompass me. I grabbed it to put it closer to me. I snuggled into it and smelled it. It smelled like bourbon and pine. I looked up and saw my savior looking at me with… admiration? He blushed, causing me to also blush. 

“So we’re taking you to the precinct for questioning. It’ll take a while but you're gonna be safe. We‘ll need you to be honest so we can charge that man to the extent. Got it?” He looked at me. I nodded shyly. 

He led me to his car, a black sleek car. He led me to the passenger seat and let me sit down in it. Then he closed the door and went to his side to enter. He pulled out his phone. 

“Chief Eric. Yeah I’m taking him to the precinct. I’ll make sure he’s safe. Thank you sir!” He hung up and turned on the car. He drove and turned on the heater. The warmth made me feel better. I was free. 

We arrived at a building that was located in the downtown district of our town. He entered a garage area and parked his car. 

“We’re here. We’re gonna walk in and I’ll lead you to the area. Everyone in there will look after you.” 

“Okay.” I told him weakly. “I-I never got you name.”

“What?” He said. 

“I never got your n-name.”

“Oh, it’s Finnick. Everyone else calls me Detective Martin but I’ll let you call me Finn if you like.” He smiled at me. I blushed and went deeper into the jacket. 

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