"Okay, Bare-su," Ms. Park called to him again, "can you tell me what Nam-ra said a minute ago?"

"Uhh.." He didn't know.

The class laughed again.

"...She was absolutely correct, a hundred percent," he stated.

The class laughed again.

"Okay.. what was her absolutely correct answer then?" Ms. Park continued to questioning him.

"Hmm... all right..." It was obvious that he didn't know.

You were still looking down at your desk and playing with your pencil, but you were listening to everything that was happening.

"Y/n, since it looks like you're paying so much attention to the lesson, why don't you help Bare-su," she was obviously being sarcastic. You didn't like that.

You stood up, "yeah okay, Nam-ra said that we all have some sort of prejudice, because all of us have preconceptions about other people."

Ms. Park looked a little surprised, "Oh wow, you actually payed attention for once."

'I don't think she likes me very much,' You thought to yourself.

"Yeah.." you then looked at Su-hyeok and he mouthed the words, 'thank you.'

You smiled at him and nodded your head, as in saying, 'you're welcome.'

Ms. Park was about to say something else but got interrupted by someone walking into the door.

It was Hyeon-ju.

She walked into the door then backed up a step and opened it, then walked into the classroom.

Everyone began to stand up.

She took a couple steps and then collapsed onto the floor.

Everyone, including you, began to crowd around the girl.

You and Hyeon-ju weren't the closest of friends, you guys were more like...associates. You guys got along, but didn't exactly think of each other as friends. She was also one of the only reasons why Gwi-nam didn't feel the need to pick on you. You technically owed her one.

You pushed through people trying to get to where Hyeon-ju was. Even though you two weren't necessarily friends, you still wanted to make sure she was okay.

Then, Hyeon-ju was softly heard, "Ms. Park."

"Yes it's me, do you recognize me?"

"He grabbed me, the science teacher grabbed me and locked me up.."

Once you heard that you made a concerned and confused face, 'I'm definitely taking this out of context,' you made a mental note.

"He locked you up? the science teacher? Mr. Lee Byeong-chan?" Ms. Park seemed a little panicked. Almost like she didn't believe a school science teacher would do such a thing to a student.

"He tied me up," Hyeon-ju continued.

You face grew more concerned, 'I really hope i'm taking this out of context...'

"Let's go to the infirmary, okay?" Ms. Park looked and sounded afraid.. or maybe she was stressed, probably both.

"Nam-ra, make sure they study on their own," Ms. Park called out. She then said something about not telling anyone about the situation or something like that. You didn't really listen to that part.

She also asked Hyeon-ju if she could get up.

"I'll carry her," Su-hyeok insisted.

'Lucky girl,' You thought as you turned to at Su-hyeok.

"Okay," Ms. Park nodded, "could someone help him out please!" This was your sign to finally take action... definitely not because Su-hyeok was going, you definitelyyy just wanted to help.

"I'll help!" You stated.

"Us too!" Said On-jo, speaking for both her and I-sak.

You, I-sak, and On-jo quickly helped Hyeon-ju onto Su-hyeok's back then you all ran out the door with Ms. Park following close behind.

You, I-sak, and On-jo ran beside Su-hyeok to make sure Hyeon-ju didn't fall, and Ms. Park ran close behind.

You guys all ran down the hall to the infirmary.

Once you finally reached the infirmary, you quickly opened the door for Su-hyeok because he was the one carrying Hyeon-ju. I-sak, On-jo, and Ms. Park followed.

"Please help!" Shouted Ms. Park.

The nurse noticed the severity of the situation and told you all to put her on the bed, so that's what you did.

After putting her on the bed, the nurse took her temperature and asked if you all could help hold her down.

They grabbed a corner of the bed sheet and used it to hold her down. You were standing close behind Su-hyeok while observing the situation since there's was no more room to hold the sheet.

'They can handle it from here,' you thought to yourself as you turned around to exit the room.

When you turned around you saw Hee-su struggling to walk out of the room as well.

You felt bad for her. She looked like she was probably in a lot of pain, so you decided that you were gonna help her instead.

It was the least you could do.

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