Chapter Nineteen

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In the end, the outside group ended up packing away the tents and other gear, the decision having been made by Hershel to move us all within the farmhouse. The farmer had said that winter was getting to be far too harsh for us to remain in the cold, along with all the varying animals on the farm, we were practically ringing a dinner bell by remaining exposed in the open - the man even going so far as to apologize for not moving us within sooner. That was that, we began moving everything within, and setting up lookouts along the property. They wanted to begin keeping an eye on the tree lines considering how close they were, not wanting to risk any straying walkers getting in and surprising the group - like they had done at the quarry. Dad and I had already collected most of our gear, and had lugged it inside, abandoning it in a corner until we got to see where we would be sleeping.

"Willow!" Dad called out, catching my attention quickly, waving me over.

It didn't take me long, bounding my way towards my father, as he stood beside Merle's motorcycle. "Yeah?" I questioned, glancing towards the bike, before my gaze set back on Dad. He stood silently for a moment, arms crossed, and his expression firm and serious - I could tell he was lost to his thoughts for a moment as he mulled something over.

"I gotta move Merle's bike, 'nd figured I'd let ya steer it, maybe teach ya something long the way." Dad muttered, a small sigh escaping his nostrils as he stepped forward, placing a hand atop of my head before he began steering my form towards the bike.

"You're not shitting me?" I questioned, glancing up towards him with a small shit eating grin.

"Naw." He mumbled, a small smile of his own pulling to his face as he glanced down at my expression.

"Why the sudden interest in teaching me to drive?"

"I want ya to be prepped for the worst case scenario," he sighed, "I can't always promise to be there for ya, so I want to teach ya as much as I can, it'll give ya the best chance possible until I find ya again or ya find another group to trust."

"Dad..." I mumbled, coming to a halt as I looked up at him. I never expected to hear him say something like that, it had stilled me to say the least. When the world came crumbling down around you, being a kid, how did you expect to stand tall in the falling ruble sure to wipe you from existence? When you already knew how perilous your situation was, to have your rock waver with unsteadiness, mentioning the thought you feared most - losing the one person who could keep me standing strong no matter how many walkers were surrounding us. It was terrifying... and I didn't like it. But as I took in my fathers face, a slight bit of fear so rarely shown on the surface and all the love he had for me, determined to keep me alive no matter the stakes - something that worried me more. I knew he didn't want to delve into the topic, no matter how tough my father acted to be on the outside to keep me from worrying, I didn't know if I was - or ever would be - ready to see him fall apart. "And you think this will help with that?" I questioned, clearing my voice as I tried to push the unease from it, raising an eyebrow at him as I climbed onto Merle's motorcycle.

"Maybe not for every scenario, but better to have some knowledge on driving than none at all. One day, hopefully, I'll be able ta teach ya more on other cars - but for today, you'll steer the bike. Or, I can just do it myself." He mumbled, getting me to widen my eyes in surprise at the end.

"No! No! I wanna help!" I quickly interjected, getting a small chuckle from my father.

"Thought so," he mumbled, scooting me forward slightly on the bike, soon sitting behind me - as my feet were unable to reach the ground.

The Dixon Bloodlineजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें