Chapter Four

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Hello my lovely readers, and thank you all for taking the time to read my book. For some, this may be the second or third time you are reading this chapter, though I can say for certain that a re-read is in order. I will be changing events that happened in my book, and this will lead to new outcomes. For the most part, I was following along with the story making minor changes.

As I grew closer and closer to the season I quit watching the walking dead entirely for, I know I have big series of changes I want to make. This will lead to different outcomes than the show, leaving some living characters dead, and some dying characters alive. I also plan to add more personal characters to the story, not just Willow. Depending on what happens in the story could lead to a longer book compared to the show series as well, even though this series is running longer than originally planned.

Most major changes won't be seen until further chapters, the beginner chapters being mostly just dialogue updates and building character interactions more. However, later there will be drastic changes from what I've already done, leading to a book I hope to find better than what the show did with some of the characters. Hopefully, I'll be able to take the potential that was built for this series and characters, and turn it into something you all enjoy!

Thanks to the reads, comments, votes, and shares everyone! The support keeps me going and inspires me to keep making my book better. And hey, don't be scared to drop comments. I love reading the comments people leave, especially if their questions, ideas, ext. I'll stop rambling however, I don't tend to do notes, but if you took the time to read my note, thank you!

Without further a-due, enjoy!


I raised my arm to protect myself from the light, but Dad only grabbed my small form, pulling me behind him defensively as he watched the metal shutter raise. When the shutter was fully up, there was nothing behind it but the open and clear building. There didn't seem to be anyone physically present, in that room at least, yet the door opening was proof enough that Rick was right. There was in fact someone still alive in the C.D.C. they could have quite possibly moved the cameras, and they just opened the doors for us. It wasn't a surprise that most of the members of our group were standing in either surprise, or shock, staring toward the disease center. Shane however was the one to break the silence, urging the group to get in a defensive formation, not knowing what we were about to walk into.

"Daryl, cover the back!" Shane ordered my father, getting a small grunt in response.

Dad moved in front of my form, dropping his arm from around me as he took a stance at the hind of the group. Dad raised his crossbow, aiming toward a few of the corpses making their way toward us as the group rounded together to enter the building. I didn't stray from my father, staying close behind him as I held onto my bow, listening to the group enter the building behind us. T-Dog called out to whoever had let us in as Dad ushered my form back into the building, closing the office doors and preventing the undead from getting inside when they were to eventually make it to the building.

"Hello?!" Rick called out once more to whoever had let us inside.

A cocking of a gun was heard, leading our attention towards a loan man who was standing on a few steps not far from the group. Our group was quick in turn to arm our weapons after he made himself known, sights set on the man. From what he was wearing - the lab coat being a big giveaway - I was sure this man was a scientist of the C.D.C. and had to of been one of the people in here who let us in.

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