"Which is?"

"This?" I pointed between us before she sighed and moved her hands behind me and back to the front to secure the belt.

"Don't worry, i'll explain it to her,"

I nodded weakly, "Uhm, good becaus-"

"She really has been a lot of stress and does have that ulcer," She fiddled with the pin and adjusted for the perfect angle for the belt around my waist.

I Got a little annoyed when she mentioned she had an ulcer, I mentally rolled my eyes, "Yeah, yeah..." I breathed out to pretend I cared even though I don't

She noticed that I was changing the tension because she kept looking at me in a worried way before laughing it off, she gave the costume a final look before plopping on the bed and her body turned to me,

I sat on the edge of my bed and fiddled with my fingers before she decided to break the silence, "I wish there was something with me..." She sighs before looking away.

I shaked my head, "Don't say that," I let out a breathy chuckle and admire the room for a second.

"No, I do. Listen, because...Then it will show. I mean there'll be like this tenable proof on how totally weird I feel..." She started to explain and it made me reel into her more, how I wanted to understand her, know her more, love her more.

"Instead of having this outside that makes people think that i'm always just...fine," She pauses before looking down to her legs and continued. "Just perfectly fine and well addrested," She sighed and finally looked at me with pureness in her eyes.

"And nobody knows on how normal I feel," She revealed leaving me shocked. She can be this deep?

I nod my head, "Yeah, but it's hard having something wrong with you...everybody knows how you feel, you can't hide it," I muttered to her and made eye contact as if it was the first time. There is something behind those cat eyes I can't comprehend.

She chuckles and shrug yet not breaking eye contact. "Well whats so great with hiding who you are." She say before I stared to her lips and back to her boring gaze. I took the note to stand up and change the subject.

"You know what I would rather wear than this?" I smirked as she followed me with her eyes. She tilted her head and sat up,


    Another set of play we had to rehearse the next day. I was back at the set room with only me and Irene who was fixing the hangers up with other peoples costumes, seeing her eyeing me for a while now but I pretended I don't catch her judgy eyes.

She walked towards me as I was wearing light makeup for the play later before she says, "You know you should put your costume then makeup," Her tone had a hint of annoyance.

"Mmh Hm" I hummed to let her know that who she was talking to isn't stupid enough to know that rule.

She eyed me again head to toe before furrowing her brows. She noticed, "is that Jennie's skirt?" Right I told Jennie that her idea of having a short skirt was a good ide and Irene didn't agreed but doing it behind her back was easy enough and I don't care what she thinks because she isn't the star of this show either, Lisa is.

I earned a bit of confidents out of nowhere now i'm gonna use it, I set the brush back to the table and faced her fully. "Yeah, but. it's my costume now." I got remotely bitchy there but i'm done with her complains.

"What?" She bitterly asked,

"I wasn't comfortable with that other thing but i'm comfortable with this, now i'm gonna wear it." I calmly explained to her. I could see smoke coming out of her nose,

"We need to talk." She grabbed my arm not enough to hurt me and dragged to another room.

'Yeah, we definitely do'

I closed the door behind me and stood in front of her, a few meters away. She crossed her arms across her chest and averted her eyes somewhere else, "She's just gonna do the same thing to you, you know," She forced her eyes back at mine as I furrow my brows with confusion.

'what does she mean?'

"When she gets sick of you? Before me there was Im Nayeon before her theres Kim Jisoo--" She pauses with a shake of her head. I stood still and dare not to say a word, I can barely move my own mouth.

"--She's just going to do the same thing to you so don't act like you're special," She slowly says before looking away and walking pass me to exit the room.

I can't believe i'm hearing this? From her? This can't be...

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