Chapter 13

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Me and Henry were in his room when all the game shakers were running around when piper and Henry went to get Chinese food.

15 minutes later, they came back and I was coming downstairs when I heard Kenzie say "yeah bae" to Henry.

They really didn't have any respect. Also the whole time we were eating they kept trying to impress Henry. We were opening the fortune cookies when babe said "my fortune says a nice boy named Henry will fall in love with you"

That really pissed me off and I could see Henry was really uncomfortable. I quickly grabbed Henry's wrist and pulled him upstairs to his room. "I don't like them girls" I admitted "they annoy me"

"Yeah they're making me uncomfortable" he agreed.

We ended up sitting on his bed and watching movie together on his phone

We ended up sitting on his bed and watching movie together on his phone

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We were about to fall asleep when the 2 girls walked into the room. "Henry we're watching a movie downstairs do you wanna join?" Babe said smirking.

"No thank you-" he started when Kenzie interrupted

"Cmon henry don't be a party pooper" Kenzie interrupted.

"He said no so leave him alone" i fought looking at them glaring.

"You don't make decisions for him" babe spat back.

"He literally said no, now go away" I snapped.

"No need to be rude" Kenzie rolled her eyes.

"Says you" I mumbled under my breath causing Henry to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Babe questioned looking pissed.

"Nothing" Henry quickly blurted out.

Just as they were about to fight back I closed the door in their face then turning back over to Henry. "I think they're deaf" I giggled.

He agreed and We started laughing. "I'm boreddd" he complained.

"We can walk around the park?" I suggested.

"Yeah cool" he answered getting up and pulling me with him.

He walked out the window and jumped down and I followed behind. We walked down his porch and I remembered I forgot my phone "I forgot my phone henry" I told him.

"Eh leave it you can use mine you're thumb print is already on it" he replied handing me his phone.

"When did you put my thumb print on here?" I asked I don't remember doing it.

"I did it ages ago when you where sleeping" he answered.

"You could've just asked me" I commented.

"Yeah but it's done now" he laughed.

I giggled and we walked around to swellveiw park. That's when his watch started beeping. "Seriously rn?" I asked.

"Yeah let's go" Henry said grabbing my hand and running to junk n' stuff. Once we got there we went down to the man cave.

"What's the emergency?" I asked sitting down.

"Well the toddler escaped prison again" ray groaned.

They said their little rhymes and blew their bubbles. Then they ran up to the tubes and screamed "up the tube" and left.

While they were out on the mission me and Charlotte decided to watch dog judge.

*an hour later*

Me and Charlotte were watching dog judge when we heard ray and Henry coming down the tubes. I rolled around seat I was in and saw captain man come down the tube running over the Henry's tube. Me and Charlotte were watching confused when Henry came down. Passed out.

I quickly ran over and screamed "what happened to him?!"

Captain man grabbed Henry and dragged him over to the couch and I ran after them sitting behind him. " well when we were fighting the toddler someone shot him with a sleeping dart"

"Is be ok?" I asked.

"Yeah he should wake up in half and hour" ray said calmly while walking into another room.

"Ok nice" I replied lifting Henry's head onto my lap and messing with his hair.

Charlotte just starting laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked.

"Nothing you used to hate Henry now you're in love with him. I guess enemies to lovers is real" she laughed.

"Shut up char" I joked.

She just laughed again and spun back around to look at the monitor.

*5 minutes later*

"Charlotte I'm boredddd" I complained.

"What do you want me to do?" She sarcastically said.

"Idk girl.. ooh get me eyeliner now" I demanded.

"Why?" She questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Just throw me my one that I left over there" I said as she threw it at me.

I caught it and opened the cap. I was gonna draw on Henry's face. I drew him a moustache and little doodles around his face.

I quickly took a picture and showed Charlotte. "Char look what I did" I giggled.

She laughed and told me to send her the picture which I did.

After around half an hour, he finally started to wake up. "Hey Henry" I whispered.

"Where am I?" He asked shielding his eyes from the light.

"The man cave" i answered as I helped him sit up.

By the time he woke up everyone was in the room and they burst out laughing. "What, what's so funny"

I couldn't help but laugh a bit while giving him my phone so he could use my camera. Once he saw what I did he looked at me and frowned. "I'm going to the bathroom to clean this off"

"I'll help" I said hoping that would make him hate me less for what i did.

I followed him to the bathroom and grabbed a cloth and soaked it in water. He sat down on the counter next to the sink looking pissed.

"Im sorry my love I got bored" I admitted.

"Why my face tho?" He pouted.

"Now I feel guilty stop" I carried on rubbing the cloth on his face.

"That was the point" he laughed.

Wrong number |henry danger|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora