Chapter 3

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Henry <3
Wait ur in my class aren't you?

Uh yeah I think so we're normal
Put together for projects

Oh nice wanna meet at the park in 10

Yeah sure 🤪👏

Nice see you then 😍

I quickly got dressed into my fav outfit

As soon as I got dressed I walked to the park and sat at a bench while waiting for Henry

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As soon as I got dressed I walked to the park and sat at a bench while waiting for Henry.

After around 5 minutes, Henry turned up and sat next to me "hey Regina" he greeted.

"Hey hen" I said smiling.

"You look really nice" he complimented.

"You look nice too" I said although he basically wore the same thing everyday. He did look cute tho.

We sat and spoke for about half an hour before we decided to get food. Once we got our food we sat in the restaurant and ate in a comfortable silence. Which was broken when Henry asked "do you wanna go out tomorrow as well since I don't have work and we don't have school?"

"Yeah that would be nice" I smiled I could tell I was blushing like crazy.

I was about to say something when his watch started beeping. "I'm sorry I've got to go uh Charlotte needs me I'll be back in about an hour" he excused himself.

"Oh ok bye hen" I said waving at him as he left.

I got up and walked to the bathroom to fix my makeup and my hair then walked back out.

*an hour later*

An hour had passed and I was just wondering around the park waiting for Henry. Would he really just ditch me wow I should off expected it. I quickly messaged him saying "hey hen I'm at the park message me when you can come back xx"

I waited for around another hour and he still hadn't seen the message and hadn't turned up. He really did ditch me why would I even try I should've known I wasn't good enough for him.

I started walking back home when Henry ran up to me "hey Regina I'm sorry it took me so long Charlotte really needed my help" he lied. I could tell he was lying I shouldn't off ever agreed to come out with him.

"Save it henry I know ur lying You don't need to make up all these crazy excuses I'm sick off it all I ever hear is a bunch off dumb lies from you I'm going home don't even try to message me" I screamed at him before running home with tears In my eyes.

As soon as I got home, I jumped onto my bed and fell asleep crying.

I woke up about an hour later, and my phone was blowing up with messages. I picked it up and saw messages from Henry. I told him not to message me.

Wrong number |henry danger|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora