Chapter 11

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(Pretend that they already went shopping for her clothes)

Henry had gone home to get his stuff and explained to everyone that he was leaving for the night and I had gone home. I'd never actually saw my room but my mum messaged me saying which my room was and that it was all ready for me.

I got home and opened the door and went straight to my room. Wow my mum decorated it and it looked amazing. I was about to open my wardrobes and put away my clothes from Henry's house when there was a knock at the door "COME IN!" I screamed. Thats when the door opened and I could hear Henry walking up to my room.

"WHICH ROOM IS YOURS DARLING?" He shouted. I forgot that he never came in after we went shopping. I ran at my room and helped him bring his stuff into my room.

"Wow I love ur room" he complimented.

"Thanks my mum did it" I thanked him.

He left his things beside the bed then jumped onto my bed. I then jumped on with him and turned on my tv putting on our favourite show.

I looked up at Henry and remembered what the girls had said earlier. What if they were right and I didn't deserve Henry and was if I was being pathetic. "Hey hen do you think that I'm ugly?"

"What sort of question is that you're the most beautiful person I've ever seen In my entire life why would you even think that?!" He questioned.

"No reason it doesn't Matter" I quickly reassured him.

"Cmon tell me darling it does matter" he said messing with my hair.

"No no forget about it" I finalised.

"Ok, ok I will" he muttered.

"Thank you my love" was the last thing I said before I fell asleep.

*henrys pov*
Regina had fell asleep and I knew it was wrong but I grabbed her phone and unlocked it I knew her password. I needed to know why she would think that about herself. There was nothing in her message but a soon as I went in her camera roll there was a video taken today when I was on a mission With ray. I opened the video and saw everything the girls had said. That's why she was acting so weird.

I quickly put her phone down And got mine out. Then as I was about to go to sleep as well my watch started beeping. I didn't know what to do so I just tried to wake up Regina "wake up darling" surprisingly she woke up.

"Why did you wake me up" she mumbled into my chest.

"Cmon we have go to work" I told her.

"I don't wanna" she moaned. (Not in a dirty way)

"I'll carry you there" I said laughing.

"Ok can you give me a piggy back ride pleaseeeee" she begged.

"Ok, ok" I said before she jumped onto my back and started giggling.

Once we got to the man cave Charlotte starting blabbing on about a package thief and how ray didn't care that was until I said that my mom had been robbed. We ended up making a plan to stay in the man van and leave a package on my parents porch until it got taken then we'd grab them.

The first time me and ray fell asleep while the person took the glitter bomb.

We made a new plan to put Jasper in a box and leave him there. Once we got into the van we took a lot off coffees and energy drinks however we still fell asleep again. About a few hours later, we woke up and someone came in with a package. Ray opened it and we got covered in glitter. They used our own glitter bomb on us.

Once we got back to junk n' stuff we were screaming since we were so mad. But after a bit the package thief just magically turned up. And me and ray fought him. After we took him away, we went back to the man cave.

We were sat on the couch waiting when Regina and Charlotte finally came back. They were gonna be helping us get the glitter out our hair.

Regina came over to me with a hair dryer getting all the glitter out off my hair and Charlotte was doing the same but with ray.

Wrong number |henry danger|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ